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2420m - can't add


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Well... I recently upgraded to pro - but I'm having issues that I didn't have before.


At the moment I'm trying to add back a 2420m that I could not restore the links in. I cannot add it back, though. Here's the log of the attempt


Sun 04/04/2010 08:30:40 PM : ---- Initializing the linked devices ----

Sun 04/04/2010 08:30:40 PM : ---- All Linked Devices are now initialized ----

Sun 04/04/2010 08:30:40 PM : ---- Add remaining devices ----

Sun 04/04/2010 08:30:40 PM : [ 11 A6 36 1] Removing all links

Sun 04/04/2010 08:30:40 PM : [11 A6 36 1 ] Querying engine version

Sun 04/04/2010 08:30:40 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 11.A6.36 0F 0D 00 06 (00)

Sun 04/04/2010 08:30:48 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 11.A6.36 0F 0D 00 06 (00)

Sun 04/04/2010 08:30:57 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 11.A6.36 0F 0D 00 06 (00)

Sun 04/04/2010 08:31:00 PM : [11 A6 36 1 ] Failed getting engine version. Reverting to i1.

Sun 04/04/2010 08:31:00 PM : [11 A6 36 1 ] Using engine version i2

Sun 04/04/2010 08:31:00 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 11.A6.36 1F 2F 02 00 00 0F FF 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 (02)

Sun 04/04/2010 08:31:09 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 11.A6.36 1F 2F 02 00 00 0F FF 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 (02)

Sun 04/04/2010 08:31:17 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 11.A6.36 1F 2F 02 00 00 0F FF 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06 (02)

Sun 04/04/2010 08:31:21 PM : [ 11 A6 36 1] ** Not added ** Remove Device Links failed

Sun 04/04/2010 08:31:21 PM : ---- All Remaining Device Added ----


I'm on 2.7.14

I've hard reset the motion sensor twice already

There are 563 devices in my PLM link table

I put the device into linking mode prior to adding it


I believe this is a symptom of a more general communication problem as I seem to be having a hard time restoring/writing to devices all of a sudden even though everything is functioning properly. I can't understand why, as nothing I can think of has changed. I have two devices which are not functioning but I've disabled them.


Thanks for any insight.



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never mind... I figured it out. I've been running a high powered cell phone jammer for the last couple of days. It seems to interfere with the RF capabilities of Insteon. I turned it off and all returned to normal



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Teenage daughters?




never mind... I figured it out. I've been running a high powered cell phone jammer for the last couple of days. It seems to interfere with the RF capabilities of Insteon. I turned it off and all returned to normal



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Teenage daughter and her friend.


I thought my daughter was bad... her friend made her look like an angel. By the second day of a 4 day Easter weekend stay I'd blocked the mac address of her laptop and her ipod touch and blocked all cell access. Before I did she spent 8pm to 3am laughing and skyping with her boyfriend - spent every waking moment texting and every other moment on either facebook or skype.


I love technology but I HATE social networking sites, texting, skype, and MSN and its relatives. Kids these days have lost the ability to be by themselves and don't seem to grasp how rude it is to sit at a table with one person while texting a different one.


Fortunately if it comes down to a battle of technology I'm a very well armed individual. Knowledge IS power.

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