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Elk Nodeserver

William Olsen
Go to solution Solved by Jimbo.Automates,

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While trying to query ELK Nodes Server section: If light_method is ELKNAME

  • If you want the ELK Lights to Control ISY Lights then add a Light in ElkRP2 whose name matches an existing ISY node name or address >>To see a list of all your node names and address click ISY Node<<

 It opens a new window in my Firefox Browser browser that states: Unable to connect Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at and an error message in PG3 stating: ERROR: 07/28/2023 00:02:41 See log for: ELK Controller: Unknown message CD: 18000000000

What am I missing?


Jim, I might have not been clear in our first communication. Initially I was trying to find out why none of my ELK (lighting) NAMES (except for 123) didn't populate the Elk NS. I began rudimentary diagnostics by clicking on the link that you provided to list all node names. I have attached a PDF of the PG3 Elk NS webpage showing said link on page 3 that takes me to and put a yellow call out and pointer in the right margin for your convenience.

Bill Olsen

Polyglot V3.pdfFetching info...


Yes I realize it's showing you the link to You need to change that to your IoX IP address. For some reason I can't download your PDF on my phone while on a catameran in the Caribbean, I'll have to look when at a computer at home.

Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk


Jim, I'd like to see if together we can come to a successful resolution with the lighting portion of the Elk NS. I'm sure your catching up on work related stuff but when you're ready I'll be waiting. Did you get a good picture of the Cat you were on?


Jim, I opened the file and searched for "light", this is the only reference to any of my lighting system.

−<node flag="0" nodeDefId="counter">
<name>Pantry light</name>
<family instance="4">10</family>
<parent type="1">n004_controller</parent>

And concurrently none of my lights appear in my IoX tree and I believe that my pantry light shows up as a counter.


Posted (edited)
  On 8/7/2023 at 4:22 PM, William Olsen said:

Jim, I opened the file and searched for "light", this is the only reference to any of my lighting system.

−<node flag="0" nodeDefId="counter">
<name>Pantry light</name>
<family instance="4">10</family>
<parent type="1">n004_controller</parent>

And concurrently none of my lights appear in my IoX tree and I believe that my pantry light shows up as a counter.



Why are you looking for "light"?  You configured the NS for ELKNAME mode, as the documentation mentions:

  • This attempts to match the name of an ISY Node with the Name of an ELK Light node to control. The table on this page will show the matches.

In other words if there is a "light" configured in your ELK, and the name of that light matches the name of a node on your ISY then you can control it from the ELK and status changes from the ISY will be updated on the ELK.

What lights do you have configured in your ELK?

Edited by Jimbo.Automates
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J, for some reason the link to your Github UD-PG3 didn't copy over. That is the document I was trying to reference



Did I mention that I was the proud Owner and Captain of a 41' Morgan oil screw (USCG nomenclature) from '76 until 1981? 4"draught 25 tons Net and yes I made Operation Sail in NY Harbor in 1976. Most Patriotic day of my life.

  On 8/7/2023 at 10:38 PM, William Olsen said:

Nothing comes up as a light so none appear in my IoX tree save a pantry light mentioned as a counter Jim. I could weed through once again.


Yes, I understand.  But can you point out a ELK Light from your Olsen Lighting.pdf which matches an EXISTING node name in the ISY?   That's how it works.  You define a Light in the ELK which matches the node name of an existing light on the ISY.

Very cool about the Morgan, we were on a Bali 46.


I don't have ANY lighting nodes in Eisy and to avoid confusion I never used any other lighting system than the UPB in my home. I helped out with PCS's migration from X-10 to Pulseworx. I will try and make some sense from the documentation on your GitHub page. With the ISY I was able to control the UPB stuff from the ISY through a Keybus PIM on the Elk. Going forward I would like to do the same thing using the Eisy > Elk to avoid licensing conflicts.

  • Solution

OK, understand now.  What you want is currently not available, it was actually how it worked when I originally released, but nobody wanted it that way.  It'll take some time, but I can add that as a different light_method.


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