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Newb completely baffled by KPL button light control


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I have tranferred everything over to the ISY, and have my programs and scenes working great.


However, the last thing I've been working on are KPL lights and which ones should be on when.


I have one 6-KPL and one 8-KPL, both v.36. The six-key one has scenes defined on the four small buttons labeled A, B, C, and D. The eight-key has scenes on the bottom two buttons labeled G and H.


I have the button lights working for the most part within each KPL. However, buttons on one KPL turn on lights on the other KPL without them being in the scene. For instance, if I press C on 6KPL, G and H illuminate on the 8KPL. If I add G and H to the C scene and put the slider at zero, same thing. Slider on 100%, same thing.


It works the other way, too. G and H on the 8-KPL turn on A and B on the 6-KPL. I want A and B off.


I tried a program to change the backlighting so it would look like they were off. Nope, same result.


For clarification, the scenes associated with the buttons on the other KPLs are not being activated. The button light just turns on.


I've removed the buttons from the scenes that aren't working properly and am ready to start over, but I'm out of ideas.


It is possible that there are leftover X-10 addresses in the keypad buttons. If you are willing to start over, remove them from the ISY and perform a factory reset on the two keypads. Check to confirm you no longer have that unwanted behaviour. Then add them back to the ISY and add to the scenes. Check each step along the way to make sure the problem stays gone.


While not conclusive, you may find it interesting to open the event viewer and press some of the offending buttons. See if you see any signs of X-10 activity.


I have read reports of NEW KPLs with X-10 addresses. While this may not be your problem, it is pretty simple to check out and fix. I would not ignore the possibility simply because they are new.


If not X-10 (and it still may be), it is also possible to have stray links remaining in various devices. I don't know the extent of you system or the amount of programming you have done so far, but sometimes there can be leftover links in devices. Factory reset would clear those out, as well.


Once reset, I would confirm that the undesired behaviour no longer takes place. If not, add your links back and confirm that all is still good. If the behaviour remains gone, that is good. If it returns, I would take that as an indication that there are incorrect scenes or programs somewhere.

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