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Programs dissappear


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This is the second time this has happened. I recover from a backup and everything showed up.  Log in today and again all programs are lost but they run as scheduled.  On desktop using admin console in java.  But if i go to the web browser i get some programs showing.  Is the isy failing??   I deleted my temporary cache files and still nothing.  cant upload files for some reason getting error message.

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SD cards do not live forever. I had a 994 at my previous house and proactively changed the SD card. I also had gotten automation to a point there where it worked and I hardly logged in or looked at it.

You may want to get a replacement card and follow the steps (there was a recent post here on how to)

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1 minute ago, diggler said:

got my programs back after a restore.  See what happens  I deleted a bunch of old admin java icons and re downloaded the new java admin

When you run the admin console for the first time it should put a new UD icon on the desktop... that's my recollection

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