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Geofence Enter/Exit Command to run a program

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I looked in the UD Mobile wiki for the answer to this but didn't see it.  I know I can ADD an Enter and/or EXIT comment for UD Mobile geofence that will run an AC defined program.  There are 3 parameters: 

  • Node: which is the program name
  • Command: Enabled appears to be the default
  • Enabled: True appears to the be the default

For Command: The options are Enabled, Run at Startup, Run If, Run Then, Run Else, & Stop. I assume these all directly correspond to their right click counterparts in the AC and that Enabled means the program will run if executed. Correct? Is there a good example of why I'd choose something other than Enabled? 

For Enabled: Is this different than the Enabled under Command?  It's a bit confusing. 


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The "Enabled" Command for a program Enables (True) or Disables (False) the program.  This will not run the program.

Depending on how the program is setup, you likely want Run IF, Run Then, or Run Else command which will run the program.


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I needed something to do, so I started testing the UD Mobile Geofence function.  Very easy to setup and it is doing its thing. Upon exiting the zone, a variable GEO_SW is being set to 0, entering the zone to 1.  Program GEO TEST MSG is being used to send a UD Mobil message with the state of the value. So far, very impressed.  Will use to turn on my garage lights after sunset at some point.  



GEO TEST MSG - [ID 0050][Parent 004E]

        $GEO_SW is 1
        Set 'SERVER - NOTIFICATION / Notification Controller / UD Mobile' Send Message Content 42 Notification ID (ID=42)
        Set 'SERVER - NOTIFICATION / Notification Controller / UD Mobile' Send Message Content 42 Notification ID (ID=42)

Edited by TUhl01
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