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Motion Sensor Timeout Warning Program


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I have several scenes in my master bathroom along with a motion sensor that I use to turn lights and fans off after 5 minutes. There are certain instance where someone is in the bathroom but not triggering the motion sensor (in the shower, in the bathtub, etc.).


What I would like to do is provide a 15 second grace period after my program turns off all the scenes, whereby if somebody is the bathroom, they can simply trigger the motion sensor and all the lights and devices would re-activate to where they were.


Is this even possible? I don't see a way to store dim levels in variables that can then be re-set?

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Hello mlennox,


If you are using dimmers for the lights my first suggestion would be to use a long ramp rate in the scenes. Then someone can notice the lights are dimming and make some motion to reactivate the timer.


Another option would be to use a switch (FastOn or On/On) or KPL button to trigger a longer timeout if you are using programs to control the lights.




I have several scenes in my master bathroom along with a motion sensor that I use to turn lights and fans off after 5 minutes. There are certain instance where someone is in the bathroom but not triggering the motion sensor (in the shower, in the bathtub, etc.).


What I would like to do is provide a 15 second grace period after my program turns off all the scenes, whereby if somebody is the bathroom, they can simply trigger the motion sensor and all the lights and devices would re-activate to where they were.


Is this even possible? I don't see a way to store dim levels in variables that can then be re-set?

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Hello mlennox,

If you are using dimmers for the lights my first suggestion would be to use a long ramp rate in the scenes. Then someone can notice the lights are dimming and make some motion to reactivate the timer.


This is a fine suggestion, but I'm not seeing how it really helps to figure out what scenes/devices/lights were on and at what dim level so that they can be put back to the same intensity upon motion.


Are you suggesting there is a way to "cancel" a dim operation that is in progress such that the lights will return to where they were?


Really what I'd like to do is use one of the lights in the room to trigger some sort of warning signal, but then return it to its previous state.

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Assumptions: you have a program activated by an ON command from the motion sensor (MS) that starts a 5-minute WAIT and then turns off all the lights in your bathroom. Also, your lights are always set to one of a number of scenes activated by Insteon controllers.


1. Create a first set of programs, one program for each scene, with a condition set to OR each of the controllers for the scene (there is no way to build a condition that is the status of a scene, unfortunately). The THEN branch for each of these programs would run the ELSE branch of all the others, thus only one of this set of programs would be true at any given time. The true program would represent your last scene set.


2. Create another set of programs, one program for each of the programs in the first set, with a condition for the motion detector command ON (not status) and the status of a corresponding program in the first set of True. The THEN branch for these programs would turn on the corresponding scene, nothing more.


3. In your original motion sensor program, after the 5 minute WAIT and the lights off, put another 15 second WAIT, and then set run the ELSE branch of all of the first set of programs to ensure they are all false.


Now, when a scene is turned on, the corresponding program from the first set of programs will be set to true. Then, during the 15-second wait after the original program turns off the lights, if an ON is received, the scene that was on will be reactivated, and the original program will be re-run with a new 5-minute wait timer.


If you have an all lights off button or some other such controller, you will also want to change that program (or add a new program conditioned on that button(s)) that also runs the ELSE branch of the all of the first set of programs to clean everything up. One drawback of this approach is that while there is movement in the bathroom, there will be repeated ON traffic for the currently activate scene. This could be cleaned up with additional conditions for the second set of programs, but would make keeping them in sync with the scenes complicated.


If your lights are set to random levels (i.e. not predefined scenes), then this is not currently possible. Depending on the implementation, this may be possible once the variables feature is added, however.

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Hi ML,


Are you using the motion sensor to turn the lights on or just to keep the lights on after a switch is pressed?


I use a program for my basement lights that turns off some and leaves some on for some time unless there is motion again. But it is only one scene.


       Control 'Basement / Main / Basement Motion-Sensor' is switched Off
   And Control 'Basement / Main / Basement Motion-Sensor' is not switched On

       Wait  30 minutes 
       Set Scene '~Basement All' Off
       Wait  2 minutes 
       Set Scene '~Basement Stairs Scene' Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Combined with other program conditions it is possible to determine what scene was last on. It's going to get complicated though. Good thing the weekend is starting :)


Hello mlennox,

If you are using dimmers for the lights my first suggestion would be to use a long ramp rate in the scenes. Then someone can notice the lights are dimming and make some motion to reactivate the timer.


This is a fine suggestion, but I'm not seeing how it really helps to figure out what scenes/devices/lights were on and at what dim level so that they can be put back to the same intensity upon motion.


Are you suggesting there is a way to "cancel" a dim operation that is in progress such that the lights will return to where they were?


Really what I'd like to do is use one of the lights in the room to trigger some sort of warning signal, but then return it to its previous state.


Edit: Thanks Kingwr, I think you explained it better than I!

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If your lights are set to random levels (i.e. not predefined scenes), then this is not currently possible. Depending on the implementation, this may be possible once the variables feature is added, however.


Thanks for this, I will have to digest this a bit but I think I get the picture. It's a bit "complicated" and I'm really hoping that the variables implementation will simplify these types of programs greatly.

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Good thing the weekend is starting :)


Unfortunately I have a ton of more "important" things to get done. I've discovered it's a bad idea to purchase a whole bunch of Insteon devices before you've finished construction of your home... Playing with ISY and dimmers is way more fun, so the more "important" jobs are not getting done.

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...Depending on the implementation, this may be possible once the variables feature is added, however.


I know that this is pushing it considering that the latest revision was just released... but anyone have an idea when variables might be added? Now that I have added a bunch of motion sensors, and trying to add much more interdependent activities, I can see the major benefit. I have played around with using programs as flags, but this has significant limitations.

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Our next milestone is ELK integration and some more minor bug fixes. Variables is on our list but I really cannot give a firm date.


Fair enough. I have seen talk of variables throughout the forum, and since I am 'catching up' again after being out of the discussions for a while.. I wasn't sure if this was near term, or just on the wish list. I still have plenty to play with for now. :D



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