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Motion Sensor program inquiry

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I am not sure where to post this, so I'll start here in a casual setting.

I am not a newbie but my programming skills need some "brushing up" (or maybe I just need to educate myself.) I have not figured a simple way to accomplish the following:

Motion Sensor A senses motion,

Turns on Light B

Once motion sensor has returned to off state, 

Light  is turned off.


Does this need two programs?



Edited by glacier991
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If your motion sensor sends periodic “on” commands during continuous motion (e.g. Insteon MS), you could use one program:

    Motion Sensor A is switched on
    Turn Switch B On
     Wait 5 minutes 
   Turn Switch B off

This would turn the light on on motion and turn it off 5 minutes after the LAST motion command was sent.

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7 hours ago, glacier991 said:

My bad, I forgot to mention the light switch is an x 10 device, so cannot act as a responder. Which left me to ponder a programming solution.

(yes. I could change it..but if I can program it to work....)

In that case, yeah, I'd use two programs.  MS On fires your X10 On, MS Off fires your X10 Off.

There are tons of other ways to do it, but I'd keep it simple.

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