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Google Home, Programs from new EISY

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I recently switched for ISY 994 to EISY. I was able to load PROGRAMS into my Google Home Nest with my old ISY but I am unable to load them with EISY. The screen print below shows program then I select the program I want to add but in the Google Home Category it still says scene. Am I missing something ? I have several PROGRAMS I'd like for GH to run.

Any help is greatly appreciated!






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I don't use GH, but I use Alexa.. it's the same in Alexa.. a program in ISY transfers over as a scene in Alexa terms.  You run the THEN by turning ON the device and the ELSE by turning off the device. 

For example below.. "Alexa turn on the Air vent" and the THEN for my program Air Vent Alexa, runs.


Notice that the isy category is program, while the Alexa category is scene.




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