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start.jnlp not working

Steves ISY

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I have an ISY-994i that has been working well for years.  I have it controlling 5 security lights around the house with Insteon switches.

It's working just fine.  BUT, I've been locked out of the Administrative Console for months.

I can log on to the device on my LAN and see and control the devices.  (ie    /WEB/udajax.htm#/config/   )  and I can see the "Please Keep this Page Open" screen....

But from this point the start.jnlp  or the (older??) admin.jnlp only result in an error:

"Adobe Acrobat Reader could not open 'start.jnlp' because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been damaged (for example, it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't correctly decoded).

What's going on?  How did Adobe get involved?  When I look at the start.jnpl file name it has an Adobe pdf symbol!





@Steves ISY welcome to the forums. 

Sounds like you’ve gotten file associations messed up. What computer OS are you using? If Windows right click on start.jnlp and click “open with”. From there select “Look for another app on this PC”. 

Then it gets a little tricky sometimes. You need to look for the Java folder (check Program Files or Program Files(86)), then the “bin” folder then select “javaws”.

Be sure you select “always use this app…”.

If running a different OS (like Mac or Unix) you’ll need to search online for how to fix file associations. 

The IoX Launcher method for getting into admin console does not require any browser interaction. The “leave this window open” process is no longer needed. Just get the start.jnlp association corrected and should be able to get in without issue. 

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