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Support thread for: PG3x v3.2.21 (April 15th, 2024)

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Upgrade & reboot worked as expected.

Attempted a name change on my plugin & no joy.

Stayed the old name in the store and back-fed the old name to the developer list, but my changelog did update.

 @bmercier  I will also put in a ticket.


Edited by sjenkins
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8 minutes ago, sjenkins said:

Upgrade & reboot worked as expected.

Attempted a name change on my plugin & no joy.

Stayed the old name in the store and back-fed the old name to the developer list, but my changelog did update.

 @bmercier  I will also put in a ticket.


Yes, please open a ticket.

I will need to know:

  • Portal user logged in with
  • Which plugin you tried to update & which store
  • Copy of the browser console log showing when you do the plugin name change
  • PG3 log & time you did the plugin name change
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