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Transfer plugin license how?

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I read in another thread that it's possible to transfer a plugin license via the portal.  I can't figure out how to do that.  Can someone help me?


details: I have two Polisy units registered in the portal.  I want to move a plugin from the one I used to use to the one I want to use from now on.  I don't need to restore nodes or anything, just need to be able to install fresh on the "new" Polisy and configure from scratch.

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Never mind.  I see "Migrate" under "Maintenance".  One question remains, though, before I try it.  I had a license for a trial version of a plugin, and since I bought it and installed it on the "new" Polisy.  Will that license migrate too?  Maybe it doesn't matter, because it's already expired.  But I don't want to break something that's working.


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To clarify, I want to transfer one plugin that I purchased.  There's another one that I trialed on the "old" Polisy that I don't want to transfer, and I definitely don't want an attempted transfer to break my purchased license and installation on the "new" Polisy.


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