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Admin Console documentation for current version.

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I started using home automation back in the X-10 days. Most of my network has been Insteon for years. I started with the ISY994i and have upgraded to the eisy. I've always been able to muddle through using the Admin Console but a recent screw up on my part has me rebuilding my network. The screw up is unimportant but was substantial and born out of pushing buttons without truly understanding what I was doing. The rebuilding process is being hampered by my lack of knowledge of the finer points of setting up nodes and scenes. The Admin Console uses colors and symbols the meaning of which is not always obvious to occasional users like myself. There are many somewhat mysterious options at various points which can result in increased confusion. I've found an Admin Console pdf manual but it is extremely out of date. I've also looked at the Wiki that offers some information, but seems lacking concerning basic operation. 

Is there a wiki or document I'm just not seeing that has the detailed level of explanation found in the obsolete Admin Console pdf, but covers the current Admin Console version?

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Your best source of information is either the Wiki or this forum. If you have a question on a specific topic or issue post it on the forum and you'll usually get a fast response.

The basic scene structure really hasn't changed much

The admin console also hasn't changed much over the years

The ISY Cookbook is also a good source of information. It's a little out of date but still very useful.

The ISY-994i Home Automation Cookbook (universal-devices.com)

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The link for the current version of the admin console is:


The version shown in the ISY cookbook is obsolete.

You must clear your java cache, including checking all 3 boxes, which will delete your admin console desaktop icon, then click on the above link to install the new admin console icon, now called IoX Launcher

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