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Wireless device updates - but why???


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When I am in the admin console editing scenes or tweaking a device it seems like my ISY wants to update one of my wireless devices and I have no idea which one and I am not expecting any of them to need updating.


It just happened again when I went to tweak the backlight on a SWL Relay. The SWL shows up as having no wireless responders or controllers, and there are none I know of. I have clicked batch on/off,


So how I can I find out what's going on and eliminate this pesky wireless update request. I do have three KPLs in the house and the SWL used to be controlled by one of them, but isn't now; the SWL doesn't respond to "all on" from any of the KPLs.


Thanks in advance for any tips or pointers.





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Hi Simon,


With releases 2.7.10 and above, ISY actively tries to synch what it knows about your system with what the system has. This means that "any" update to any device will cause ISY to re-evaluate and make sure your system is in fact in synch and write updates to devices that are out of synch. I assume you have 99i PRO since you mentioned batch button. Right next to the batch button, there's the RF devices button. If you do not want ISY to keep trying to update your RF devices, please make sure that button is grayed out.


Furthermore, you will get a "Writing->" icon next to devices that are being updated.


Ultimately, though, you do need to figure out why those devices are out of synch and why ISY does not succeed in updating them.


With kind regards,


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