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How do I install?


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Is there a link to the installation instructions anywhere? Just upgraded to eisy and would like to use this feature since the upgrade broke the eventghost setup I had. I would rather put the effort into this new feature. Thx

I did find the PG3 login and see the plugins there. I will keep digging on setting this up.

Edited by Jeff_bull
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To install the AudioPlayer, In the PG3 Plugins Store, click on AUDIO PLAYER.  If you want the professional version 1.3.3, click in the install option which will ask for credit card info etc. The audio player will then install itself into your device tree on the EISY.

If you plan on using the AudioPlayer with bluetooth devices, then install the free bluetooth service which can also be found in the plugins Store. The bluetooth service will install itself in the device tree on your EISY.

There's really not much to setup or configure once they're installed

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