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For the past few weeks after hitting the button for the program that shuts down the house, random lights would come back on at different times.  Following the wiki, I replaced the batteries in the motion sensors, and checked the logs per the wiki.  


I also disconnected all of the UPS's and surge protectors and found one from home depot that caused an issue each time I plug it in.  

In the logs there is a device 1A.6E.12.1 that has multiple errors.  The hard part is I have no idea what that device is, and I checked the address of every device in the eisy table and none match that. 

To add to the fun, the second 6 button keypad in the same location has failed.  It is currently air-gapped while I look for a replacement.  I stick with insteon because I have flipped lights from one room to the other on the same wall.  The switch is in the other room and the scene controller in the room with the lights controls it just fine.   No other DIY vendor can do that.

Any ideas?


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