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Rest API Insteon Scene doesn't dim, but device can


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I am running into unexpected behavior when it comes to using the REST API (from my streamdeck) to set a dim level on an Insteon Scene.


Specifically using the my.isy.io URL,  if I use an on-level for any value other than 0 the scene is 100%


https://my.isy.io/isy/<snip>/rest/nodes/992/cmd/DON/64  (100% on, should be 25%)

https://my.isy.io/isy/<snip>/rest/nodes/992/cmd/DON/0  (0% on)

But if I do the actual device that controls the load

https://my.isy.io/isy/<snip>/rest/nodes/3C FB 7 1/cmd/DON/64   (correctly 25% on) 

Any idea why I am getting that behavior?


Scenes can not be dimmed to a percentage, they are more like a preset.

Some options to achieve something similar:

  • Create a Scene which has "On Level" to the desired percentage. Triggering the Scene's On (DON) command will set each device in the Scene to the specified preset "On Level".
  • Use the "Fade Up", "Fade Down", and "Fade Stop" Commands
  • Issue commands to each device when the "On Level" is not 0% or 100%

I use scenes and programs like this,

Alexa...turn on xxxx lights
Alexa...turn on dim lights
Alexa... turn on very dim lights
Alexa...turn on TV lights (slowly dims and colour tunes bulbs before bed every 30 min.)
Alexa...turn off xxx lights

These all control programs that may operate scenes and/or WiFi bulbs together.

Create scenes with useful levels, as needed,  and work with them.

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I think the "scene" part is a typo, but I'll will look into this next week.

"Dimming" scene and setting to a specific value "Preset" are both available, just not in the same way as a Single Device. 

Preset at 50%:

In order for this to work with all devices going to the same level at the same time the Scene (Preset) needs to be recorded on the individual devices.  Create a Scene with each device as a responder,  and change the on level property to 50%. /DON will cause all devices in the scene to go to 50% at the same time.

Dimming Use :

Depending on use case the devices can be either controllers or responders to the scene.

increase brightness of a device by ~3%
decrease brightness of a device by ~3%
begin manual dimming
stop manual dimming
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