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Lost custom mp3 files after upgrade


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After upgrading my eisy from v5.8.3 to v5.8.4, I found that my custom audio files stored in the eisy /storage/sounds folder were no longer present.  The folder /storage/sounds is where I maintain all of the mp3 files used by the AudioPlayer plugin.  So, I again copied each of my custom mp3 files to that folder from an external source.  After doing so, eisy programs that previously used those custom mp3 files now pointed to different play files, and the order of the AudioPlayer dropdown list of play files changed from what was presented in v5.8.3


What is the proper procedure to backup custom audio files stored in the eisy /storage/sounds folder, so that future IoX updates will be able to allow the AudioPlayer plugin to continue to point to the desired files saved in that folder?

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Posted (edited)

Are/Were the audio files that are no longer there  files that you uploaded or were they created using the text to speech option?

I keep copies of all the MP3 files that I've uploaded to the audio player in a zip file. In the event the audio player gets reset I just upload the zip folder contents.  After the 5.8.4 update all my uploaded file were still stored in the audio player.  If you're not using the default audio player MP3 storage location that could be problematic.


Edited by Techman
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58 minutes ago, Techman said:

Are/Were the audio files that are no longer there  files that you uploaded or were they created using the text to speech option?

Files that I uploaded.

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