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my ISY clock is off?


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I noticed that things were going on and off about ten minutes late, and note that the time in the Administrative Console is off by about 10 mins from the computer actual time......so I assume the ISY controlling the schedules is off by that too.


I can live with things being off by 10 minutes, but is there anyway to get the ISY synced with the actual computer time? I would have assumed that merely booting up the Console would pick up the right time.




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Thanks Rand!


Bruce, we are going to add NTP service so that ISY's time is synched up with an NTP server (in 2.6). Also, I've noticed that you have not yet upgraded to our 2.5 beta releases. 2.5 official release will be out in the next couple of days so "prepare yourself" for a lot of new functionality and features.


With kind regards,



Bingo! That WAS too easy....right under my nose.

Now my time is correct. Life is good.

thanks, Bruce

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