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EZIO8SA attached to dual-band 2413 PLM causing comm issues

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I am using 2 EZIO8SAs attached to their respective dual-band 2413 PLMs for irrigation control. Whenever either PLM is attached to its respective EZIO I get constant blinking of the status lights on all the access points in the home. When the CAT5 cable is disconnected between both PLMs and their respective EZIOs the blinking stops. The blinking makes me think there is Insteon communication taking place but the ISY log shows no indication of that. However, when the blinking is taking place I have comm issues - lights not tunring off when they should, etc. Smarthome assures me that this is not a problem with the dual-band PLMs since the blinking stops when the CAT5 cable is disconnected. They also state that one of their techs has seen this same issue before using the standard 2412 PLM attached to an EZIO8SA - but they didn't know the revision numbers involved. Ideas????

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Have you asked about this in the SHN forums as the EZIO8SA is their product.



Since the EZIO8SA is not getting power from the 2413S PLM. I believe the EZIO8SA's external power supply and PLM have to be powered up together. If not the PLM when initializing may not be properly setup to indicate it is an EZIO8SA and not a straight PLM on the system.


You are using an external supply on the EZIO8SA?


Try going into the Diagnostics tab

Event Viewer

Change to Level 3

Then see if you can see any Insteon Traffic.

You still may not if the EZIO8SA's address is not in the ISYs link database.

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