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Insteon device links "lost" in eisy hardware upgrade


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Just got a new eisy device and USB Insteon PLM to replace our trusty isy994. The switchover was as easy as the docs said. The desktop and mobile apps working fine. Even the integration with Alexa - just worked. Nice! With one hitch: About a third of the Insteon devices show up in the apps - but they do not respond to any command.

Apologies if this is covered elsewhere in the doc: But how can I fix these devices which apparently got confused in the update? I would like to avoid the brute-force of removing them all and adding them back in. I tried and failed with several permutations of the link learning, but maybe I got it wrong? The brute-force (that works) is to remove the device, synchronize, and them add the device address-model-name tuple back in as if it were new. Hoping there is trick to kick eisy (which already knows the device address-model-name) to find a new link that works.

This behavior is not intermittent in any way: The Insteon devices that function work reliably. The Insteon devices that do not, never do.

Any pointers appreciated.

Edited by ss42
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It the link is missing in the device, which it sounds like from the symptoms, doing a restore device as Techman suggests will fix the problem. If the issue was introduced when you did a restore to the PLM from the old PLM backup , you will likely need to repeat that step. That is the problem I had where the PLM was missing a lot of links.

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