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How do I get eISYIR to re-add a button to device tree if I manually deleted it?


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I was trying to clean up my devices in the tree and in doing so I thought I would delete a couple of them ("IR Button B" for example) and re-create them by pressing the button on my remote again.

It seems the plugin might remember that it already added it to my devices and doesn't "send" it back to IOX again?  Is there a way for me to re-add those that I've deleted?


[EDIT:  Never mind.  It looks like after rebooting my eisy and re-logging into the console it ended up re-adding them at some point in time.  Leaving this here in case anyone else runs into this...]

Edited by Bug994
16 hours ago, Bug994 said:

It seems the plugin might remember that it already added it to my devices and doesn't "send" it back to IOX again?  Is there a way for me to re-add those that I've deleted?

Your update shows that you found the best way to get them back to IoX, but always remember that any change in PG3 will not "refresh" or show up in IoX until Admin Console is restarted. That's why it's always been suggested/recommended that best practices is never to have BOTH the PG3 and IoX windows open when editing one or the other. 

Anytime you change something in PG3 the Admin Console needs to re-launch to add any changes to nodes. 

NOTE: Rebooting the eisy had nothing to do with the re-adding. It was simply relaunching IoX that refreshed the available nodes.

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