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New to ZWave - How to use the Nodes?

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I'm trying to learn about ZWave with EISY.  I have a ZW garage door opener and a JASCO plug-in Switch ZW4104.  Both can be controlled by EISY.  So, I tried testing scene control with the Jasco and failed.  The "ON-OFF Switch" node responds to the scene, but what do the other nodes do?  They don't seem to respond to the scene (even the "Scene Responder" node), nor do they work as a controller for the scene when I press the on/off button on the Jasco.  The Jasco has these 5 nodes:

  • ON-OFF Switch
  • Switch All
  • Basic Association 2
  • Basic Association 3
  • Scene Responder

I can't seem to get the switch on the Jasco to turn on the scene with either an Insteon module, nor with the ZW garage door opener (just for testing/educational purposes).  Just need guidance on how to use each of these nodes in a scene.  Found the following online, but button presses with Association 2, nor double-tap with Association 3, seem to do anything do the scene members:

Jasco ZW4014:  This device supports Association Command Class (3 Groups) 

  • Association Group 1 supports Lifeline, Binary Switch Report 
  • Association Group 2 supports Basic Set and is controlled with the local load 
  • Association Group 3 supports Basic Set and is controlled by double pressing the On or Off button 
  • Each Association Group supports 5 total nodes 



The zwave standard has it's own version of "scenes"... that the eisy doesn't support. These would likely be used within a zwave only system, where devices communicate directly with each other. This is similar to how the Insteon spec also allows direct device to device links, but the eisy doesn't use those either. Indeed, the idea of a controller like the eisy is that it wants to include itself in every link, so that it can track device status for making program logic decisions. So it tends to treat devices as slave devices only; as inputs and outputs. It does support some of the more useful features of zwave devices, like the errors or status conditions that can come from door locks.


Thank you, Guy - So basically these nodes aren't used by EISY and for a ZW device to control a scene I could create a program based off the device's status.  Appreciate the guidance!

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