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Insteon Webnar 3/4/2025


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I reviewed the Insteon webinar, and providing cliffs notes. All-in-all, good news

New products in the works

  • 0 - 10 volt fixture embedded module for LED lighting
  • New PLM - no details, summer-ish release date.


  • They're re-making their marketing presence; re-coloring(yelllow) & re-branding
  • They're upgrading their distribution channles, but no specifics. Apparently a number of users want to buy insteon at costco, but it didn't appear that Insteon is going that way
  • There's a single band trade-in offer coming, $10 exchange for single band devices (powerline only) and select competitor products. No details but it sounds like this will be announced relatively soon
  • There's an Insteon Embassador program coming where you can get perks for providing certificates to freinds and family, who will also get discounts. No details

UDI Support

  • UDI & eISY referred to multiple times in a positive way
  • It was stated that UDI is a key partner and the first one to get docs for new products
  • Insteon understands the integration demark, where there capabilities end and UDI picks up
  • They recommended users that need more than Director should look at eisy

Matter update

  • Their matter integration is not there yet
  • My interpretation is that they're having the same uphill climb with Matter integration as UDI and others
  • They pointed to smart assistants that they integrate with, like alexa, as proxies to Matter

Other things:

  • Phillps Warm Glow mentioned as a dimmable LED that works well with Insteon
  • Users are wanting sunset products like syncrolincs and togglincs, but they're not resuscitating them unless there is a lot of specific demand for them


  • Like 2
  • Thanks 5

Thanks for that. I just listened to the whole thing. Not very heavy on technical details but it does give a sense of how they're seeing the future. I like how at the very end, they do acknowledge that their hub can only do so much and for the real techies, eisy is the way to go 😀

They do mention the current tariff war at the beginning, and how it will put pressure on prices.

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