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Completely lost. Don't know where or how to begin.

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Posted (edited)

Is there a ratgdo install for dummies?

I've been going in circles for a couple of hours.

I have the ratgdo32 plugged into my PC. Solid red LED, flashing blue LED.

I downloaded the v32board-esp32.ota.bin file. Double clicking on it does nothing as no program associated for it. Saw a link to ESP Web Tools but it's just a demo. ???

I purchased the ratgdo plugin and installed it. Added all nodes to ISY, but I don't see it. ???

I see references to ESP Home in various instructions but can't find a link to install it.

So... anyone care to help a dummy past initial setup? I can handle the wiring.

Edited by nowandthen
Posted (edited)

See the instructions for the plugin here:


These instructions contain a link to a ratgdo-specific web page that has instructions for installing the ESPHome-based firmware on your ratgdo. You must have the ESPHome-based firmware installed and working on your ratgdo and have it connected to your Wi-fi (and I suggest testing it with your GDO) before proceeding with configuring and using the plugin.

EDIT: It looks like the new ratgdo 32 and ratgdo 32 disco already come with ESPHome firmware installed. So you may be able to skip that step. Just get the ratgdo device installed and working on your GDO using the instructions and wiring diagrams that came with it, and then start the plugin and press the "Discover" button on the PG3x Dashboard as indicated in the plugin instructions linked above. I always suggest updating to the latest firmware before using when you get a new device, however.

Edited by Goose66

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