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ToggleLinc communication errors

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I had an electrician add a sub-panel to my basement this morning.


When I got home my togglelinc swtiches weren't linking my my ISY. I tried re-linking the switches in linking mode but their red exclmation point status didn't change.


I have 2 lamps on applicance lincs and they still work fine.


The togglelinc switches still respond to manually turning them on/off.


Any suggestions?

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One possibility is the Access Points (or whatever Dual Band devices you are using for 120V coupling) are now on the same 120V leg, Repeat the procedure for installing the Access Points (or equivalent) to verify they are still on opposite 120V legs.


Also possible power was dropped to one or more of the RF devices and they did not come back up clean. Unplug the APs (or equivalent) for 30 seconds or so and then plug them back in.

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I forgot to check the electricians work. He moved a breaker and forgot to switch it back on. That room had one of the access points. Once I flipped the breaker to ON and reset the access points everything was good.


Sorry to gum up the boards with user error mistakes.

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