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Web interface action button problem with KPL


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I am having some difficulty activating buttons on a (6-button) KPL from the web interface (not the administrative console) using the "action buttons" on the "Devices" page .


(1) The main on/off works fine.

(2) The four secondary buttons do not work - if I hit any of the action buttons (on or off) for any of the secondary buttons I get a dead link ("Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage").

(3) The four secondary buttons are set up as mutually exclusive.

(4) I use the main on/off and each of the secondary buttons to trigger programs which change settings on multiple thermostats. The main on/off action buttons trigger the appropriate programs correctly but the secondary action buttons don't.

(5) Physically pressing the buttons on the KPL does trigger the programs correctly. I am trying to replicate button presses on the KPL remotely.

(6) I am running firmware version 2.7.15.


Is this a bug, an unsupported feature, or something I have set up wrong?[/i]

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Hi mikewu99,


KPL buttons cannot be controlled directly, they must belong to a scene and the scene turned on or off.


You can run the desired program from the Programs page. Select the program and then use the Run Then option.




I am having some difficulty activating buttons on a (6-button) KPL from the web interface (not the administrative console) using the "action buttons" on the "Devices" page .


(1) The main on/off works fine.

(2) The four secondary buttons do not work - if I hit any of the action buttons (on or off) for any of the secondary buttons I get a dead link ("Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage").

(3) The four secondary buttons are set up as mutually exclusive.

(4) I use the main on/off and each of the secondary buttons to trigger programs which change settings on multiple thermostats. The main on/off action buttons trigger the appropriate programs correctly but the secondary action buttons don't.

(5) Physically pressing the buttons on the KPL does trigger the programs correctly. I am trying to replicate button presses on the KPL remotely.

(6) I am running firmware version 2.7.15.


Is this a bug, an unsupported feature, or something I have set up wrong?[/i]

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Then why does the web interface have the buttons to control them directly????


If I try to control the buttons from a scene, the mutually exclusive feature seems not to work - I have a scene which turns one of the buttons on, but the other button which was previously on does not turn off (at least the web interface show the button still on, the actual KPL is 120 miles away right now)...do I need to add all four buttons as responders to the scene?

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Regardless of why the GUI is presenting the buttons, Secondary KPL buttons cannot be controlled directly. This is KPL hardware, not an ISY restriction.


The KPL button feature of mutually exclusive buttons applies only to pressing the buttons on the KPL. The KPL hardware does not apply that button relationship to commands from another controller.


To achieve the equivalent button behavior requires establishing various Scenes that allow all buttons in the group or some subset of those buttons to be turned Off under Scene control and the active button to be turned On by Scene control.


EDIT: also note that the trick of issuing an ON command for a Scene and have some of the responders set to 0% Bright which turns those responders Off, does not work for KPL Secondary buttons. To turn a Secondary KPL button Off from another controller requires sending an Off for the Scene for which the KPL Secondary button is a responder.

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