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How to change light levels in a program

yardman 49

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Hello all:


I need some advice on the following:


I have 4 LampLincs that are running the Christmas candelabras in my front windows. I have them on from sunset to 11pm at full on. I then want them to drop at 11pm to a "dimmed" level for the next few hours, since they are pretty bright.


Do I have to make two separate scenes for the candelabras, one at full on, and one at a dimmed level?


I notice that there is an Insteon scene program command in the ISY called "dim". But when I pick that option, it doesn't say "how much" it will dim. So I'm confused on how to use that feature for a scene.


Thanks in advance for your advice.

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As MikeB suggested, I suggest a scene but this will only work if you know before hand what the "dimmed" level is. The reason is that INSTEON does not allow sending a group command with an on level!


With kind regards,




Hello all:


I need some advice on the following:


I have 4 LampLincs that are running the Christmas candelabras in my front windows. I have them on from sunset to 11pm at full on. I then want them to drop at 11pm to a "dimmed" level for the next few hours, since they are pretty bright.


Do I have to make two separate scenes for the candelabras, one at full on, and one at a dimmed level?


I notice that there is an Insteon scene program command in the ISY called "dim". But when I pick that option, it doesn't say "how much" it will dim. So I'm confused on how to use that feature for a scene.


Thanks in advance for your advice.

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Hello Michel and Mike:


Thanks for the replies. I guess that using two scenes might be best.


But I did find a workaround: I set the dimmed level to 50% for my Christmas group (scene). Then in my "on" program for my Christmas lights, I invoke the "Fast On" for that group, instead of just "On". this sets the initial on state of the lights to 100%.


Finally, in my "off" program, I invoke the group "On" command first at 11 pm; this then sets my lights to 50% (the group preset dimmed level). Then an hour later I invoke the group "off" command, thus turning the lights completely off.




When someone gets a chance, I still need an explanation of what "Dim" and "Bright" do in programs, and how best to use them.



Thank you.

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Excellent idea!


Dim and Bright in programs simply dim/bright by an approximately 2.5 notches upon each invocation.


With kind regards,



Hello Michel and Mike:


Thanks for the replies. I guess that using two scenes might be best.


But I did find a workaround: I set the dimmed level to 50% for my Christmas group (scene). Then in my "on" program for my Christmas lights, I invoke the "Fast On" for that group, instead of just "On". this sets the initial on state of the lights to 100%.


Finally, in my "off" program, I invoke the group "On" command first at 11 pm; this then sets my lights to 50% (the group preset dimmed level). Then an hour later I invoke the group "off" command, thus turning the lights completely off.




When someone gets a chance, I still need an explanation of what "Dim" and "Bright" do in programs, and how best to use them.



Thank you.

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But I did find a workaround: I set the dimmed level to 50% for my Christmas group (scene). Then in my "on" program for my Christmas lights, I invoke the "Fast On" for that group, instead of just "On". this sets the initial on state of the lights to 100%.


Finally, in my "off" program, I invoke the group "On" command first at 11 pm; this then sets my lights to 50% (the group preset dimmed level). Then an hour later I invoke the group "off" command, thus turning the lights completely off.


That's a really good idea... thanks for sharing!


The only downside I could see is that with FAST ON, it will ignore the set ramp rate. So, if you prefer a smooth ramp up, you'll miss out on that.

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I'm not ready to put up the lights yet so I'm not going to test this. I have been using KenM's InHomeFre for the timers but of course the ISY has replaced that.


I create 3 or 4 scenes for my holiday lights. I have been using 3 lamplincs but this year I will use 4 or 5. I never burn the lights at 100%, usually I use 85% tops. I think it is more pleasing.


One way to make an Insteon light show is to create several scenes with various levels of different colored strings and use long ramp rates. With the ISY you could create a program to call a different scene every few minutes.

One minute the lights are all white, five minutes later they are multi-colored, etc. Using the Random function should create interest.



Happy Holidays!


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