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ISY-99i PRO - To IR or not to IR


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I just got done setting up a bunch of INSTEON devices in my home and except for the lame SmartLinc that I bought based on the marketing, I am happy with the INSTEON part so far.


Based on the glowing reviews of ISY-99i I think it might be the thing I was looking for. I am planning to ditch the SmartLinc and buy the ISY PRO version since it gives me headroom for the future but I am wondering if I need to consider the IR version, especially since I already have an IRLinc, or I can do without the IR.


Also browsing through some of the forum posts, I found it interesting that folks recommended that I should buy the Touchswitch software first so I can get the discounted network module (I would have definitely not thought about even evaluating a front-end first before getting the nw module, so I am happy I read the posts first). Any other tips along these lines from anyone for add-ons to the ISY?


Last, does the Touchswitch support IP cameras (I have some panasonic IP cameras already installed) or should I be looking for another option if I need an integrated GUI (especially on my iPhone) for the HA and cams together?


Also, if anyone who has used the Touchswitch could respond - is it a web-app on the iPhone or does it install a native iPhone app piece too?


Thanks in advance - I haven't even bought my ISY and this forum has been ultra-helpful already.



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Hello ML,


First of all, thanks so very much for your interest. Secondly - and as much as we would want to make more money - I really think that:

a. You do NOT need the PRO

b. You do NOT need the IR version since you already have an IRLinc


And, finally, you can always upgrade to IR and PRO online in case you decide to go that way. In short, start with the basic model and then you can decide if you need PRO and IR based on your experiences.


I leave TouchSwitch questions to Burak. It would be best to post your touchswitch questions in the TouchSwitch forum.


With kind regards,


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Hi Michel,


Thanks for your very candid reply. On the PRO part, I am already planning for that since I am a software engineer by profession and I expect to use it beyond the non-PRO limits (and with the optional modules I might add, for which I already have plans).


My question was only about IR since I already have the IRlinc receiver. ALso, I assumed it was a hardware upgrade so I didn't want to get something and have to replace the unit later. Sounds from your email that it isn't, which is great. I will probably go with the non-IR and spring for the additional IR functionality only if I find something beyond the IRLinc.


I'll put my Touchswitch questions on their forum.


Thanks again - your prompt responses to the forum members were a big factor in my deciding to go with ISY. Its always a pleasure working with products that people stand behind.


I'm sure I'll have a lot more questions as I start using it.





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