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Link still in device after unlinking


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ISY is reporting a link (at the device level) between one of my motion sensors and a light switch despite my having unlinked the two devices (twice now) following the instructions below from the motion sensor quick start guide and observing the stated behavior (i.e. light doesn't go on when I tap the set button on the motion sensor).


There's no visible link between the two devices in the admin console. Have tried to "restore" both devices from the console but the link between the 2 devices keeps coming up when I check their respective link tables within ISY.


What might I be doing wrong or not understanding? Any info would be appreciated.





1. Press & hold the Set button on Motion Sensor for 5 seconds (until

red LED behind sensor lens begins blinking) and release

2. Press & hold the Set button on Motion Sensor for an another 5

seconds (until the LED changes its blink pattern – it will now be on

longer than off)

3. Press & hold the Set button on the INSTEON Responder you would

like to Unlink (until its LED blinks)

4. The Motion Sensor LED will stop blinking (if not try step 3 again)

5. Test by tapping the Set button on Motion Sensor. Taps should no

longer control the Unlinked device.

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I did have an ISY scene for it and that's what created the link in the first place, however I deleted that scene some time ago in favour of using a program to control the light because I didn't want the motion sensor directly deciding when the light went off.


What I'm thinking might have happened (correct me if I'm wrong) is that when I deleted the scene I didn't have the motion sensor in programming mode so it didn't delete the link in it as far as the device is concerned. The thing I don't understand is why the switch has the link in it's table with the scene gone. Might it have been out of range when I deleted the scene? (I had limited devices in at the time and was still finding the right places for my Access Points so maybe it was too far?)


Partly this is trying to understand what happened but more importantly, how do I clean the mess up? Is there a way to delete a device link through ISY when a scene deletion didn't do it and a physical unlinking (outside ISY) doesn't do it?

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Thanks for the info. Helps explain things. I don't remember now if there was a 22 in there (I fixed the problem before reading the last post) but I did learn how the "compare" button confirmed that ISY did not have the links in its table.


I also got another lesson out of this. I tried unlinking the devices again (at the devices) and tried device restores a number of times but the link remained in both devices. So I ended up deleting both devices then doing factory resets on both, re-linking to ISY, then having to re-populate all the impacted programs with the "new" devices (D'oh!). More importantly, though, I think I learned how to avoid this in the future. It goes back to the prime directive - let ISY do the linking. I suspect (it wasn't intentional) that my motion sensor was still in linking mode when I linked the switch to the ISY, which would have re-established the physical link between the two devices that ISY didn't know about (unless I'm missing something.) The takeaway for me is to either get the motion sensor out of linking mode before linking the next device, or do the motion sensor last.


But if this is what caused my problem, it makes me wonder 2 things.


1. Is linking more than one device at a time to ISY dangerous? i.e. will other types of devices cross link between themselves or is it just a problem with motion sensors?


2. Assuming for the moment they would have shown 22 - deleted. When would they have been removed from the device table? Or will they just end up taking up a row in the table forever?

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To take the MS out of linking mode press the Set button twice. Once to put in in unlinking mode and the next to resume normal mode. The LED will quit blinking.


It is only a problem with battery devices that stay in linking mode for 4 minutes. Wired devices can be linked by the ISY without setting them in linking mode.


A deleted link will be overwritten with the next new link. Using the ISY Restore Device will eliminate any deleted records and compact the database.



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