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impact of changing KPL6 to KPL 8 on existing scenes/prgs?


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I have a 2 month old KPL6 configured with a few scenes and programs and, after experimenting with another KPL8 that I use as what I'll call a KPL 7 (linked the top 2 for one large load controlling button and the rest all small secondary buttons), I was thinking of tweaking this KPL 6 to free up the large bottom button so it isn't a dedicated "off" button, in other words turning it into a (true) 6-scene KPL6...


Do I have to remove (or will I lose) all scenes (and have to fix the programs) currently configured in/for my KPL6 if I reprogram it to be a KPL8? I realize it will do a factory reset so I mean if I restore a KPL8 with the previous KPL6 scenes will things get all mucked up or fail outright?


Am debating the cost of doing this before doing. Any advice would be appreciated.

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Hi johnnyt,


You will have to Remove the KPL and add it back. This will remove it from all the scenes. You will not have to remove the scenes, you will have to add the KPL back to the scenes though.


As for your programs, they use the Insteon address so once you add back the KPL they should function, depending on which buttons you are using in them.



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