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Venstar T1800 v2 Programming & Triggers Questions


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I just installed a T1800 thermostat and after a little help from this forum, was able to set it up: http://forum.universal-devices.com/viewtopic.php?t=5229

Since then, I was able to figure some things out. I have one program that sets the temp down when I leave home and another that turns the heat back up when I arrive home. But I find I have more questions than answers about programing this thing.

  • 1. If I have 7 days (Morning, Day, Evening and Night) programmed into the t-stat, then run a program control from my ISY, will the t-stat programs take over control at some point?
    2. If not, how does the ISY turn control over to the t-stat programs?
    3. Is there any advantage to programming all t-stat functions and operations by the ISY instead of the using the t-stat features?
    4. There are 4 entries on my Main tab device list (main, cool, fan and heat). The 'main' device seems to show all adjustments and HVAC functions. What are the other 3?
    5. What is the difference between Auto and Program Auto, Heat and Program Heat on the 'MODE' pull down list?
    6. Are there definitions somewhere for the Insteon t-stat controls and triggers?
    7. Does anyone out there have ISY programs set up to run their thermostat (or vice versa) they may be willing to share?

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Hi sanders2222,


The Program modes will use the programming you entered in the thermostat. The other modes will not use the thermostat programs.

So when you want the ISY to control the thermostat don't use the Program modes.


An advantage to using the ISY, as you have found, is that you can use other conditions to change the setpoints, such as your Home and Away programs.



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  • 5 weeks later...

As clarification on how the logic in the ISY works, is this assumption True of False?

Only one program can execute at a time.

If Program B is called in the middle of executing Program A, there must be a wait command following the call that provides enough time for Program B to completes executing.

Otherwise Program B may not complete steps before Program A resumes.

I have some routines that execute some of the time, but not always. Hopefully it's because my wait statement is too short and not a communication issue?

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Hello sanders2222,


That is false. The ISY is multi-tasking.


From the Wiki:

Within the Then or Else clause of a program, statements are executed from top to bottom in the order in which they occur. When a statement calls another program, the called program begins executing, and the calling program immediately continues execution with the next statement in sequence--it does not wait for the called program to complete before continuing.



If you have a Wait in your program and any of the Conditions of that program change during the Wait the program will be re-evaluated.

Do you think that is what's causing your routines to not complete?




As clarification on how the logic in the ISY works, is this assumption True of False?
Only one program can execute at a time.

If Program B is called in the middle of executing Program A, there must be a wait command following the call that provides enough time for Program B to completes executing.

Otherwise Program B may not complete steps before Program A resumes.

I have some routines that execute some of the time, but not always. Hopefully it's because my wait statement is too short and not a communication issue?

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Thanks Subroutine, your response helps me eliminate one cause to "programs not completing execution". Today I've come & go a couple of times and those events associated with that all seem to work fine today. I'm thinking my problem may be a communication issue.


When I installed my t-stat, I had to relocate an Access Point into my PLM so it would be recognized (that is were it is now). However, since then, I occasionally get a "Can not communicate with" error statement that pops up every other day or so. The time of day and device seem to vary each time this happens. When I Query those devices, the status is updated on the console and the red exclamation mark goes away. So that is making it difficult to track down.


For the last year, Insteon has been pretty stable (no errors) before I installed the t-stat. But if I move the AP back where it was, I loose communication to the t-stat. Since the clock on the t-stat doesn't keep time, I have to control it from the ISY, and that seems to be working most of the time. I've ordered a 3rd AP (in the form of a dual band plug-in dimmer) and hope that will straighten out communications throughout the house (if that's even my issue).


One other issue that could be effecting the system is my furnace. I need to sort out an intermittent drop in the power supply to the t-stat. It appears to cut out from time to time, a couple of times I even observed the display on the t-stat went completely blank for 60 seconds or so. Consequently, the clock won't keep time and I'm sure when the RF interface looses power, the ISY must note that, even if I'm not logged into the console.


For the time or two I noticed the ISY did not update the t-stat, it may have been during one these power drops. I suspect the supply from my furnace has always done this. But my old Honeywell had a battery backup, so intermittent blackouts did not effect the operation or clock. The Venstar does not have a back-up, so I need to see what my options are.


Sorry about the long post, but this is 'hard' to figure out.

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