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Two motion sensors for one light


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Ooh...I like the idea of Fast On/Fast Off enabling or disabling the moiton sensor programs. Expanding on the idea, there may be times when you turn the light on and don't want it to turn off 5 minutes after motion. For example, when I am working on a project in my garage, I turn the light on when I go into the garage, but my entry also triggers the motion sensor. If I sit still for 5 minutes, like tinkering with some part for example, then the light turns off. So you could use both Fast On and Fast Off to disable the program:


    ( Command 'Garage Light' is switched Fast On
 Or  Command 'Garage Light' is switched Fast Off )
And Command 'Garage Light' is not switched Off
     Disable Program 'GarageMotion'
     Enable Program 'GarageMotion'

This program would allow the light to stay on or off regardless of motion in the room. Further, disabling the program should cancel any running instance of the program that may be in a Wait before a pending Off (for example if motion was detected before the switch was double tapped). A subsequent Off (or any other command) would turn the light off and re-enable the motion program.


Very Nice!

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I would add to that a feedback to let you know that the MS program had been re-enabled:


     Set 'Garage Light' On
     Wait 1 Second
     Set 'Garage Light' Off
     Enable Program 'GarageMotion'


This would flash the garage light for one second before enabling the MS program.


One caveat - hopefully your switch is out of range of the motion sensor. If it is not, you will have to stand perfectly still for 5 minutes, until the light goes off, to re-enable the motion sensor program. (I think)


Jack Rainey

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I would add to that a feedback to let you know that the MS program had been re-enabled:


     Set 'Garage Light' On
     Wait 1 Second
     Set 'Garage Light' Off
     Enable Program 'GarageMotion'


This would flash the garage light for one second before enabling the MS program.


One caveat - hopefully your switch is out of range of the motion sensor. If it is not, you will have to stand perfectly still for 5 minutes, until the light goes off, to re-enable the motion sensor program. (I think)


Jack Rainey


Would this be a program by itself or added to the program above? :)

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Ooh...I like the idea of Fast On/Fast Off enabling or disabling the moiton sensor programs. Expanding on the idea, there may be times when you turn the light on and don't want it to turn off 5 minutes after motion. For example, when I am working on a project in my garage, I turn the light on when I go into the garage, but my entry also triggers the motion sensor. If I sit still for 5 minutes, like tinkering with some part for example, then the light turns off. So you could use both Fast On and Fast Off to disable the program:


    ( Command 'Garage Light' is switched Fast On
 Or  Command 'Garage Light' is switched Fast Off )
And Command 'Garage Light' is not switched Off
     Disable Program 'GarageMotion'
     Enable Program 'GarageMotion'

This program would allow the light to stay on or off regardless of motion in the room. Further, disabling the program should cancel any running instance of the program that may be in a Wait before a pending Off (for example if motion was detected before the switch was double tapped). A subsequent Off (or any other command) would turn the light off and re-enable the motion program.


Very Nice!

Where do I find command? When I go to drop downs there is no command. I see control. Help me out here please. :(

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