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Error message "Error Discovering Nodes. Retry!"


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I finally got around to opening up my ISY and followed the steps to configure it up to the step where it said to use "Start Linking" under the LinkManagement menu. When I do that I keep getting this error "Error Discovering Nodes. Retry". I tried powering off the ISY, the PLM and restarted the Java app - everything seems Ok until I start linking and after that even changing tabs in the Java interface brings up this message.


Any idea what is happening? Logging off and back on doesn't fix it, so I assume the ISY or the PLM is busy with something. If so, how long do i wait? I did wait about 20 mins in case it was doing some discovery but to no avail.


I have 30 or so INSTEON devices on the network and was using them with manual links earlier (controlled by SmartLinc) in case that helps. The ISY and PLM are brand new in factory fresh condition.


Thanks in advance.



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It's a brand new unit, so I take it you have a 2413s dual-band PLM?


Step 1: Use the test mode on the PLM to confirm it is communicating with your Access Points or other dual-band devices. (Instructions are in the owner's manual on the Smarthome product page: http://www.smarthome.com/2413S/PowerLin ... and/p.aspx ). Then exit test mode.


Step 2: Once communications are confirmed, go to the ISY Administrative Console and click Start Linking from the Link Management menu. The light on the PLM should start blinking in Multi-Link mode. Within 4 minutes go to another Insteon device in the house and hold the Set button for 3 seconds. It should beep or flash and the device should exit link mode. Do the same on another Insteon device.


Step 3: On the Administrative Console window popup, select Add Devices and Keep Existing Links, then click OK. The PLM will drop out of multi-link mode. You will see status updates on screen as the ISY reads the device's link table.


Did that work? If not, where in the process did you get hung up?

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Thanks fitzpatri8!


Yes, its a brand new unit and brand new PLM (2413s). I did test the PLM before I started and access point test was no problem (just did it again, no issues).


But I never reach step 2 in your post. When I click "Start Linking" I get this error message ("Discovering Nodes. Retry"). In fact at that point, even if I change tabs (e.g. to Program Details) I get that message. Even if I disconnect the PLM I get that message. I did try setting an INSTEON device to linking mode and same issue (no blinking on ISY, just the error message).


I factory reset the PLM (powered off for 30 seconds, held button down and powered up, released button after 10 seconds). To no avail.


Maybe relevant: Also the ISY admin console keeps asking me for password ("My Lighting authentication" box pops up) every 15-20 seconds. Since the password is already filled in, I just hit OK and it goes away... for 15 more seconds. But I know I am connected to the ISY and authenticated since I can see stuff like SD card status, NTP server I saved etc., just keeps losing the session for some reason. I switched from WiFi to an ethernet LAN connection just in case it was the WiFi but again, still has the annoying popup.


Any ideas?


Thanks in advance,



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Hello ML,


Apologies for the inconvenience. What firewall software do you have? Some of the symptoms (especially having to sign it twice) are symptomatic of firewall issues on your computer.


You might want to take a look at this forum:



If all fails, please do not hesitate to contact our tech support team.


With kind regards,


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