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RemoteLinc Gone Crazy?


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Came home tonight to notice our porch light blinking on and off very erratically. When we got into the house several lights were blinking in random sequence. I heard a strange beeping sound and noticed it was the Remotelinc. The LED on the RL was blinking off and on at random intervals. I suspected weak batteries (although I just replaced them when we set our clocks back last weekend) but I replaced them anyway with a known new set. That stopped the blinking lights but, now the RL is controlling lights that weren't previously linked to it and just acting very strange. I can't seem to unlink most devices but have been able to unlink only a couple of devices. When I press the All Lights On button the same lights do not turn on with every button press.


Also, I tried a restore devices on the RL but that failed. I then removed the RL from the ISY and now I CANNOT relink it to the ISY. Is my RL defective after 2+ years of faithful service? If I decide to replace my RL with something else what would be a suitable replacement. I'm thinking a KPL in an enclosure or the IRLinc.

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Hi Mike R.,


Wow, that's quite strange and something I had never heard before!!!


Please do try new batteries + factory reset on your RL and then retry.


Tabletop KPL would be a good replacement as long as you do not want to move it around beyond the length of its cable. IRLinc is an overkill (and much more expensive) and, unless you want to do more things with IR, I do not recommend it.


With kind regards,


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My Remotelinc appears to have gone crazy:

Lights are turning on even though they have never been linked to ANY of the individual RL button. I cannot unlink them from the RL but if I reset the RL (by removing one battery, waiting 10 seconds, holding down the bright button and then reinserting the battery) the RL does not control the lights as stated above BUT when I do a restore device the RL begins controling the non linked lights.


Also, I can't remember if the RL is supposed to show up in the managed scene (the right side of the computer display) but mine does not.

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Just about every Insteon device that exists uses Group commands when a button is pressed. There must be at least one active link for a given button before any Group command sequence is issued. A Factory Reset removes all link records in the RemoteLinc so NO Group command sequence is issued for any RL button because no link records exist for any RL button.


Once the RL has been Restored the link records will exist for a given button so a Group command sequence will be issued. A Group sequence starts with a Group Broadcast message which is put on the powerline to no specific device. ALL responders which have a Responder link record will respond to the Group Broadcast even if the RL no longer has a Controller link record for the responder. That is why Smarthome emphasizes UNLINKing any responder before doing a Factory Reset of the Controller.


A Responder device should not react to Group commands from the RL without a Responder link in the responder device that points back to the RL. Without a Responder link in the responder device it has no information about how to respond to a Group message from the RL. It sounds like the RL had an issue in the beginning but for a Responder device to be reacting to an RL button press without a responder link should not occur, regardless of what the RL is doing.


Use the Tools | Diagnostics | Show Device Links Table to display the link records in a Responder that you think is responding when it should not. You are looking for a link record in the responder with the Insteon address of the RemoteLinc and a Group number that matches the RL button pressed.


In theory the RL could be sending an All On even when an individual RL button is pressed. If this is happening lots of responders could be reacting to an individual button. The Event Viewer in Change level 3 should show a bad Group number for a button press if this is the RL failure.

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I am getting a Process Message: Failed" See below:


Sat 11/13/2010 10:07:53 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0A.2E.B1 00.00.04 C7 11 00 LTONRR (00)


Sat 11/13/2010 10:07:53 PM : [standard-Group][0A.2E.B1-->Group=4] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1


Sat 11/13/2010 10:07:53 PM : [ A 2E B1 4] DON 0


Sat 11/13/2010 10:07:53 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0A.2E.B1 00.00.04 C7 11 00 LTONRR (00)


Sat 11/13/2010 10:07:53 PM : [standard-Group][0A.2E.B1-->Group=4] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1


Sat 11/13/2010 10:07:53 PM : Duplicate: ignored


Sat 11/13/2010 10:07:53 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0A.2E.B1 00.00.04 C7 11 00 LTONRR (00): Process Message: failed

Sat 11/13/2010 10:07:53 PM : [standard-Group][0A.2E.B1-->Group=4] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1


Sat 11/13/2010 10:07:53 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 0A.2E.B1 0F.D7.83 41 11 04 LTONRR (04)


Sat 11/13/2010 10:07:53 PM : [standard-Cleanup][0A.2E.B1-->ISY/PLM Group=4] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0


Sat 11/13/2010 10:07:54 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.2F CF 11 00 06 LTONRR (00)


Sat 11/13/2010 10:07:54 PM : [ F 6B AF 1] ST 127


Sat 11/13/2010 10:07:54 PM : [ E 71 47 1] ST 255


Sat 11/13/2010 10:07:54 PM : [ E 75 93 6] ST 255


Sat 11/13/2010 10:07:54 PM : [ E CA 8E 1] ST 89


Sat 11/13/2010 10:07:54 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.20 CF 11 00 06 LTONRR (00)


Sat 11/13/2010 10:07:54 PM : [ F 6B AF 1] ST 153


Sat 11/13/2010 10:07:55 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.1E CF 13 00 06 LTOFFRR(00)


Sat 11/13/2010 10:07:55 PM : [iNST-ACK ] 02 62 00.00.11 CF 11 00 06 LTONRR (00)


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The RemoteLinc button 4 press On that is in the Event Viewer trace shows 3 Group Broadcast massages being sent by the RL. Most RF only devices send 2 Group Broadcast messages of which the ISY normally ignores the 2nd Group Broadcast message. In this case the ISY is seeing a 3rd Group Broadcast message and tags it as failed but this should not cause a problem. Everything after the 1st Group Broadcast is logically being ignored by the ISY anyway.


In response to the RL button 4 press the ISY is running 4 Scenes. Two Scenes are turned On, followed by one Scene being turned Off, followed by the fourth Scene being turned On.

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The 3rd Group Broadcast is unusual but I don't see how that is causing some of your responders to react that should not be. Assuming you pressed button 4 on the Remotelinc I don't see the RL as the failure point.


I would pick one responder that is reacting to RL button 4 that should not be and analyze that specific problem. It looks like many devices are being controlled from the 4 ISY Scenes that are controlled/referenced by an ISY Program(s) initiated by RL button 4. Are there any devices that are in a Scene where the RL button 4 is the Controller or are all the devices controlled from the Scenes initated by ISY Programs?


First disable the ISY Program(s) that are initiated by the RL button press and see if the unwanted device continues to respond. That will determine if the unwanted device is reaction to the RL button press or reacting to one of the Scenes controlled by the ISY Program(s).


Rather than discussing this in the abstract it would be helpful what responders if any are directly linked to the RL button and what devices are controlled by the 4 Scenes. How many ISY Programs are involved and what specific device and type is reacting when RL button 4 is pressed that should not be.

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Okay, I disabled EVERY program where RL button 4 is a controller. The same lights still turn on/off the instant (no delay) I press the button.


I have no scenes or links where button 4 is a controller. Button 4 only triggers a program to set the great room lights to a low level.


I cannot unlink any of the devices that turn on with button 4.


If I factory reset the RL, the devices do not turn on until AFTER I restore the RL using the restore sevice option.


Also, the RL does not show up in the network except on the left side of the screen (where devices/scenes are displayed) and the RL version returns as 0.0.


Defective RL is my guess and it's out of warranty- I think.........


Help! I really don't want to replace my RL if I can help it.

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Could be an RL problem only because the RL was doing some pretty strange things at the beginning of this topic but the Event Trace does not show me anything that I would equate to turning on unexpected responders.


Pick one of the devices that is turning On in response to the RL button 4 press and do a Tools | Diagnostics | Show Device Links Table against that one responder. You will be looking for a link record with the RL address in it.


Might also run another Event Viewer trace using Change level 3 with the Programs disabled just to make sure the disable actually did stop off the ISY Scenes from being used when the RL button 4 is pressed.


Also, what is the device type of the responder you are using that turns On incorrectly.

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Just noticed something else...


The devices that are turning on with the button press do NOT show up as being on until I do a query then they return their correct state.


Also, after a factory reset the lights will not turn on with a single key press but will turn on if I hold down the on button #4.

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I ran a test on my RemoteLinc to verify what was happening when the RL button is pressed and held. The command sequence issued when a button is pressed and held are Group Broadcast messages only which are not addressed to any specific device. Only responder devices with a link record pointing back to the RL should be reacting to the button press and hold operation.


I also noticed that my RemoteLinc is also sending three Group Broadcast messages from a single button press ....


Mon 11/15/2010 01:00:43 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.AD.CF 00.00.01 C7 11 00 LTONRR (00)


Mon 11/15/2010 01:00:43 PM : [standard-Group][11.AD.CF-->Group=1] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1


Mon 11/15/2010 01:00:43 PM : [ 11 AD CF 1] DON 0


Mon 11/15/2010 01:00:43 PM : [ 11 AD CF 1] ST 255


Mon 11/15/2010 01:00:44 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.AD.CF 00.00.01 C7 11 00 LTONRR (00)


Mon 11/15/2010 01:00:44 PM : [standard-Group][11.AD.CF-->Group=1] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1


Mon 11/15/2010 01:00:44 PM : Duplicate: ignored


Mon 11/15/2010 01:00:44 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.AD.CF 00.00.01 C7 11 00 LTONRR (00): Process Message: failed


Mon 11/15/2010 01:00:44 PM : [standard-Group][11.AD.CF-->Group=1] Max Hops=3, Hops Left=1


Mon 11/15/2010 01:00:44 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 11.AD.CF 12.9F.E4 41 11 01 LTONRR (01)



Everything still points to some of your responders having link records that contain the RemoteLinc address. Did you do a Show Device Links Table on one of the LampLincs that should not be responding.


EDIT: because the button press and hold uses Group Broadcast messages only which do not contain any specific responder device address the command sequence can be issued after a Factory reset because active link records in the RL are not needed.




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After doing a Restore Device on EACH of the responders to the button 4 press I have fixed the problem. I tried doing a complete restore but apparently that didn't work. I now have the RL back in the system and it is working correctly. (Yea!) This has made me very happy but the most happy person is my wife who was fearful of me spending money on something that should not have gone bad in less than 2-years!!! You, know guys and their toys......

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