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Error in Scene test


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I have been seeing intermittent scene failures with one scene. I did a scene tests and found an error that I have not seen in the past.


The summary report states "successful", but there is one error. Can anyone please help me understand what this error is?


Wed 11/24/2010 09:25:07 AM : [GRP-RX      ] 02 61 10 13 00 06 

Wed 11/24/2010 09:25:07 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 14.70.45 13.21.AB 61 13 10    LTOFFRR(10)

Wed 11/24/2010 09:25:07 AM : [standard-Cleanup Ack][14.70.45-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0

Wed 11/24/2010 09:25:07 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 14.72.5A 13.21.AB 61 13 10    LTOFFRR(10)

Wed 11/24/2010 09:25:07 AM : [standard-Cleanup Ack][14.72.5A-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0

Wed 11/24/2010 09:25:08 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 0C.BB.86 13.21.AB 61 13 10    LTOFFRR(10)

Wed 11/24/2010 09:25:08 AM : [standard-Cleanup Ack][0C.BB.86-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0

Wed 11/24/2010 09:25:08 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 0D.D3.D5 13.21.AB 61 13 FF    LTOFFRR(FF)

Wed 11/24/2010 09:25:08 AM : [standard-Cleanup Ack][0D.D3.D5-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0

Wed 11/24/2010 09:25:08 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 0D.D3.D5 13.21.AB 61 13 FF    LTOFFRR(FF):  Process Message: failed

Wed 11/24/2010 09:25:08 AM : [standard-Cleanup Ack][0D.D3.D5-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0

Wed 11/24/2010 09:25:08 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 0E.2B.A6 13.21.AB 61 13 10    LTOFFRR(10)

Wed 11/24/2010 09:25:08 AM : [standard-Cleanup Ack][0E.2B.A6-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0

Wed 11/24/2010 09:25:08 AM : [CLEAN-UP-RPT] 02 58 06 

Wed 11/24/2010 09:25:08 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 0E.D1.E8 13.21.AB 61 13 10    LTOFFRR(10)

Wed 11/24/2010 09:25:08 AM : [standard-Cleanup Ack][0E.D1.E8-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=1, Hops Left=0

----- Stairs Lights Scene Test Results -----
[succeeded] Stairs Lights-Foyer Switch (E D1 E8 1)
[succeeded] Foyer KPL-Stairs Light (E 2B A6 3)
[succeeded] Up-Stairs KPL-Stairs Button (14 72 5A 4)
[succeeded] Stairs Light 2nd Floor Switch (C BB 86 1)
[succeeded] UpHall-MBRKPL-Stairs Button (14 70 45 4)
----- Stairs Lights Scene Test Results -----
Wed 11/24/2010 09:25:33 AM : CLI-WBug: Connecting to datafeed.weatherbug.com


The error in question, from above, is:


Wed 11/24/2010 09:25:08 AM : [iNST-SRX    ] 02 50 0D.D3.D5 13.21.AB 61 13 FF    LTOFFRR(FF):  Process Message: failed


Thanks in advance.




That is a duplicate ACK message from the device to the Scene Group Cleanup Direct message. The PLM will send another Group Cleanup Direct to a device as part of the Scene retry protocol if the device failed to send an ACK or the PLM failed to receive the ACK. Not sure why two ACKs from the device. Is this the device you are having trouble with that prompted the Scene test to begin with?




LeeG...this is where I am having difficulty understanding the error...I cannot find the refferenced device (0D.D3.D5) in my system...is this the address or some other inseon code?


Thnaks for the help...




That is the device address that sent both ACKs. I see the problem as that address is not in the succeeded list suggesting that device address is not one of the responders ISY is expecting to answer for that Scene. That is odd as the PLM would not send a Group Cleanup Direct message to a device address for which no controller link record existed in the PLM.


I would do a Tools | Diagnostic | Show PLM Links table looking for a link record with that Insteon address. Perhaps something left over from a device that has been Removed in the past. It may take multiple attempts to get the full PLM link database displayed as active Insteon traffic can cause the PLM link display to repeat or skip entries.


Has that PLM been used by any other software/firmware in the past or present?




Thanks LeeG...


I have confirmed the address link exists in the plm...There are 9 groups to with the same device address...perhaps from a simplehomenet EZIO6 that was defective.


Now...what is the easiest way to delete the links? A PLM restore?


Is there another way where I do not have to run around the house putting the M-Sensors into program mode?


It is odd that the scene with error has nothing to do with the device. As a matter of fact, the EZIO6 was never put into any scene, but somehow it is being queried...


thanks again...




That is good news on the one hand as it explains the ACKs. May be unrelated to your original problem since all the expected devices reported succeeded. The ISY defines link records when any device is added to the ISY, independent of adding the device to a Scene. The link records are used to keep track of device status changes.


I did not think a Restore Modem (PLM) actually rewrites individual device link databases unless the PLM address changed. I could be wrong about that. It is only "I think" rather than "I know".


I don't know of any ISY function that will delete individual link records. MIght exist. Anyone who knows how please jump in.




Thanks all...I will try that after the holiday.


I assume there is a factory reset button on the plm (dual band) but I haven't done it in the past as it was never necessary.




There is conflicting guidance regarding the recovery path after doing a Remove/Delete Modem. John indicates a Backup Restore is required and devices must be Restored. Rand indicates a Backup Restore is not required and a Restore Modem (PLM) will restore normal operation.


Hoping from some clarification soon.




http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... =3401#3401




Please do not use Remove Modem.


Restore Modem will rewrite all the links that should be in the PLM. There is rarely a need to reset a PLM.






There is conflicting guidance regarding the recovery path after doing a Remove/Delete Modem. John indicates a Backup Restore is required and devices must be Restored. Rand indicates a Backup Restore is not required and a Restore Modem (PLM) will restore normal operation.


Hoping from some clarification soon.




http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... =3401#3401



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