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Release 2.8.7 (RC3) Is Now Available

Michel Kohanim

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Hello all,


Release 2.8.7 RC3 is now available. Although this firmware has been tested thoroughly, please note that this is still a beta firmware. Please do be kind enough to :

1. Test programs especially those that activate notifications

2. Test notifications

3. Test stability and observe any type of network anomaly

4. Checkout UI enhancements and fixes


For a list of changes, please take a look at this post:

http://forum.universal-devices.com/view ... =6475#6475


Please note that ISY-26 is no longer included in the firmware builds.




1. Please backup your ISY (File | Backup ISY)


2. Please download the firmware for your platform - please do not unzip

ISY 99 Only - http://www.universal-devices.com/update ... _2.8.7.zip


3. It is very important that you use your current ISY's Admin Console to perform the upgrade by going to your http://your.isy.ip.address/admin. For MAC users, if upgrade fails, please try https://your.isy.ip.address/admin


4. Login to the Admin Console and choose Help | Manually Upgrade [the name of your system]


5. Choose the file saved in step 2


6. After the upgrade, ISY reboots. Please do ensure to clear your Java Cache:

http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... Java_Cache


7. IMPORTANT Once upgrade is completed and ISY reboots, use any of the following methods to access your ISY's Admin Console:

a. http://isy/admin - applet (Windows only)

b. http://isy/admin.jnlp - Java application (Windows only)

c. http://your.isy.ip.address/admin - applet

d. http://your.isy.ip.address/admin.jnlp - Java application

e. http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/2.8.7 - applet

f. http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/2.8.7/admin.jnlp - Java application


8. IMPORTANT If you have already installed a self signed certificate and your current firmware is 2.7.10 and below, you must reinstall a new one:

http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... rtificates



Due to the sensitive nature of supporting MorningLinc, users now must agree to terms and conditions upon Admin Console start up otherwise the dialog keeps popping up every time the Admin Console is started.



Thanks and with kind regards,


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One more issue in 2.8.7. Notifications are not working reliably on a mail server that does not require TLS encryption (smtp.me.com). Gmail, which requires TLS, works reliably. This is just the opposite of the bug we had in 2.8.6 :)


The Test button on the configuration panel works every time with either server.




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Updated from 2.8.6 to 2.8.7, so far so good on Insteaon, schedules, etc.


Notifications to Verizon (outgoing.yahoo.verizon.net, TLS, port 587) - which had been working now fail.


>> Edit Update: Verizon works intermittently w/ port 587 and TLS unchecked.



Gmail Notifications, TLS, port 587, now work.

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Hello Jim and Candide, would you be kind enough to open the Error Log and let me know the SMTP error you are getting.


Previously, we would try to methods of authentication which made everything slower. In this release, we actually try to figure out what the server supports.


Also, what happens if you increase the timeout?


With kind regards,


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The errors in the log, at the times I was testing are:


Sun 2010/12/05 12:23:45 PM System -50001 -14

Sun 2010/12/05 12:25:59 PM System -50001 -6

Sun 2010/12/05 12:26:46 PM System -50001 -6

Sun 2010/12/05 12:34:31 PM System -10011 n/a

Sun 2010/12/05 12:51:26 PM System -50001 -13


I will try to do some more testing tomorrow and will post results.


I increased the timeout to 5500 and the result was the same.

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:!: All of my RF devices have stopped working (triggerlinc and motion sensor). :!:


Example - After the ISY update to this firmware, I tried removing a triggerlinc from a scene and got the error "Failed writing device link" with an error in red "[-200000/-51]". I tried removing the triggerlinc from the scene in the first place because I noticed it just all of a sudden stopped controlling the scene. Triggerlincs don't display current state in ISY either (blank). What does that error in brackets mean?


My two motion sensors that control switchlinc dimmer scenes no longer control those scenes either. I've noticed that the red LED in the motion sensor, when tripped, flashes red several times as if telling me there's an error (which clearly there is, somewhere). In the ISY, motion sensors don't display current state, except for the low battery sensor, which is "off" for both my motion sensors.




(for the record, alerts to my google account and controlling else seems fine.)

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The flashing Red LED in the Motion Sensor indicates a Responder device that is linked to the Motion Sensor is not responding to the motion message. If the motion sensor is linked only to the ISY and a Program is turning a Scene On/Off in response to motion then the links in the PLM are suspect. If the motion sensor is directly linked to a SwitchLinc with an ISY Scene it could be the links in the SwitchLinc or the links in the ISY PLM.


You can do a Show Device Links Table or Show PLM Links Table and look for a Responder motion sensor link. It will start with an A2 (first byte), have a Group number of 01 (second byte) and have the Insteon address of the Motion Sensor. A Restore Device or Restore Modem (PLM) can be used to restore any missing links.

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Any idea about the triggerlincs? What's [-200000/-15] mean?


It's all a little disconcerting only because I've upgraded the ISY firmware a dozen times before and everything's worked fine (about 20 devices), but this particular upgrade made my RF devices stop controlling their scenes, as you pointed out with the motion sensor. Appreciate the help!!



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The error list does not say anything useful about a 200000. Did you put the TriggerLinc into linking mode before removing from a Scene. The TriggerLinc will normally be asleep.


Yes, I always put it in linking mode first. I got a different error this time after this order of operations...


Removing triggerlinc

1. Right-click "delete" for the triggerlinc in ISY

2. Put the triggerlinc into linking mode

3. Click "ok" on the ISY dialog.

4. ISY status bar does it's thing - triggerlinc gone.


Adding triggerlinc back

5. In ISY "Link Management" --> Add Insteon Device

6. Choose Triggerlinc, fill out the the fields.

7. Put Triggerlinc into linking mode

8. Click "ok", "remove all links"

9. Dialog does its thing, displays the following error:


Failed writing the highwater mark [-200000/-1]
Node not added - failed removing links (13 E1 AC 1) [-200000/-9]


If I try adding back the triggerlinc again, but in step 8 choose to keep existing links instead, I get the following error:


Node not added - failed reading links (13 E1 AC 1) [-200000/-8]


I should note that in every case, whenever the ISY attempts to write to the triggerlinc, during the writing process, there's an error underneath the status bar that says "failed getting engine version. Reverting to i1."


I've since even tried factory resetting a triggerlinc and no differences.


Do these errors provide any more useful information? Never had this much trouble before... Thanks guys!

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The 200000 error message does not explain why that message is issued. Being an RF device perhaps there is now some RF issue or the battery is weak in the TriggerLinc. Works for simple On/Off messages but not strong enough to handle linking mode which puts more drain on a weak battery. Try a new battery and if that does not help, bring up the Event Viewer and select Device Communications Events, Then do the device add. The trace may show something if it is an Insteon command that is failing. Since there are problems with Motion Sensors and TriggerLincs there may be a common RF problem with one of the Access Points or other Dual Band device.


I have Motion Sensors and TriggerLincs defined and have had no errors after updating to 2.8.7. I have not tried to add a new TriggerLinc however.

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The 200000 error message does not explain why that message is issued. Being an RF device perhaps there is now some RF issue or the battery is weak in the TriggerLinc. Works for simple On/Off messages but not strong enough to handle linking mode which puts more drain on a weak battery. Try a new battery and if that does not help, bring up the Event Viewer and select Device Communications Events, Then do the device add. The trace may show something if it is an Insteon command that is failing. Since there are problems with Motion Sensors and TriggerLincs there may be a common RF problem with one of the Access Points or other Dual Band device.


I have Motion Sensors and TriggerLincs defined and have had no errors after updating to 2.8.7. I have not tried to add a new TriggerLinc however.


New battery was the first thing I tried :) Here's the log. All I'm doing is putting the triggerlinc into linking mode and trying to add it to the ISY using the manual Add Insteon Devices option...


Sun 12/05/2010 11:15:58 PM : ---- Initializing the linked devices ----

Sun 12/05/2010 11:15:58 PM : ---- All Linked Devices are now initialized ----

Sun 12/05/2010 11:15:58 PM : ---- Add remaining devices ----

Sun 12/05/2010 11:15:58 PM : [  13 E1 AC 1] Removing all links

Sun 12/05/2010 11:15:58 PM : [13 E1 AC 1  ] Querying engine version

Sun 12/05/2010 11:15:58 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 13.E1.AC 0F 0D 00 06                 (00)

Sun 12/05/2010 11:16:07 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 13.E1.AC 0F 0D 00 06                 (00)

Sun 12/05/2010 11:16:16 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 13.E1.AC 0F 0D 00 06                 (00)

Sun 12/05/2010 11:16:20 PM : [13 E1 AC 1  ] Failed getting engine version. Reverting to i1.

Sun 12/05/2010 11:16:20 PM : [13 E1 AC 1  ] Using engine version i2

Sun 12/05/2010 11:16:20 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 13.E1.AC 1F 2F 00 00 00 0F FF 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06        (00)

Sun 12/05/2010 11:16:29 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 13.E1.AC 1F 2F 00 00 00 0F FF 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06        (00)

Sun 12/05/2010 11:16:38 PM : [iNST-ACK    ] 02 62 13.E1.AC 1F 2F 00 00 00 0F FF 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 06        (00)

Sun 12/05/2010 11:16:42 PM : [  13 E1 AC 1] ** Not added ** Remove Device Links failed

Sun 12/05/2010 11:16:42 PM : ---- All Remaining Device Added ----

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I've also done a PLM restore to see what happens. Nada. My PLM is connected, btw, since I know you're going to ask :) "13.23.E5 v92 / Connected" and there's an Access Point right nearby the TriggerLinc in case anyone's wondering.


And BTW, when I said "all" my RF devices stopped working, I meant all of them - just realized that ISY doesn't see either of my thermostats any longer with this firmware either! There's a red exclamation point next to both of them. Not good :(




-- Seth

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Thanks for all the data. I just love it when I get such great information. All six commands issued to 13.E1.AC are failing to get any response from the TriggerLinc. Any chance that is not the Insteon address of the TriggerLinc or linking mode expired. Whatever the cause either the device is not receiving any command or the device is not responding with an answer or that answer is not making it back to the powerline.


I think the v92 PLM is a Dual Band PLM plus you indicate there is an Access Point close by. No way to tell from the Event trace where the command flow disconnect is occurring. If you trigger one of the Motion Sensors do you see Insteon commands from the Motion Sensor in the Event Viewer trace with Device Communications Events selected. If they do appear in the Event trace then we know that RF is working in general and it is specific to the TriggerLinc (bad address, device failure to respond even though in linking mode, etc). If neither the Motion Sensor nor the TriggerLinc generate Insteon message traffic then a general RF failure has occurred somewhere.



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Hey Lee. So this has been an exciting turn of events. On a whim I decided to pry a triggerlinc off my pantry door in the kitchen and bring it into my study where the dual band PLM and ISY are located, and guess what - everything relating to the triggerlinc works fine. I've since been walking around the house with the triggerlinc in-hand trying to figure out my RF signal pattern and the only place it consistently works is in the study right next to the PLM.


So perhaps this has nothing to do with the firmware after all (I'm sure you guessed that a while ago), but I have two fairly new Access Points (just a couple of months old) and is it possible that both of them have stopped working?


It seems the only good RF signal I get is in my study, and after about 15' it starts getting wonky. The triggerlinc starts blinking erratically when I get nearer to the kitchen, indicating that the device has lost its RF communication. That might explain the other RF devices too since they're not any closer to the PLM and nearer to Access Points that apparently no longer do anything.


So... is there a way to check that the Access Point is repeating the RF signal of a device? Consider I have two (phase coupling on outlets of different sides of the fuse box) and neither seem to be repeating from my non-scientific observations.


Appreciate any more advice - what to buy, what to return, maybe another dual-band device, at a loss.





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Hello Candide,


Based on http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/verizon/mail ... op-11.html, you should NOT use TLS for outgoing mail (never).


With kind regards,



The errors in the log, at the times I was testing are:


Sun 2010/12/05 12:23:45 PM System -50001 -14

Sun 2010/12/05 12:25:59 PM System -50001 -6

Sun 2010/12/05 12:26:46 PM System -50001 -6

Sun 2010/12/05 12:34:31 PM System -10011 n/a

Sun 2010/12/05 12:51:26 PM System -50001 -13


I will try to do some more testing tomorrow and will post results.


I increased the timeout to 5500 and the result was the same.

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