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How To: Enable Internet Access

Michel Kohanim

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The ISY should be listed in the DHCP table.


If you have an option in your router to create a DHCP reservation you can use that to assign the ISY an address. Then you can forward port 443 to that (the ISY) address.




When I go to portforward where will I find the ISY? Then when I get in to port forward, do I use the computer in the dropdown or the isy? I think the isy but have 2nd thoughts?
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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Noob question here. When I go to my ip address on the network I get the window that says Please Keep this Window Open. From what I have read that means port forwarding is working yes? (If I do File Enable Internet Access it fails.)




what does that mean exactly? I am in Toronto using rogers internet access. What exactly do I type in for the reference above?






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Hello hemants,


Welcome to our forum.


1. If File | Enable Internet Access fails it means that a) your router does not support UPnP and B) your ISY is not accessible via the Internet

2. You will have to setup manual port forwarding the instructions for which you will find here:

http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... PnP_Router


Once you have that setup, then the IP address will be your Roger's IP address for your home. You can usually find this IP address by either going to the Status page on your router OR you can go to http://whatismyip.com. Once you have port forwarding working, then you can access your ISY using:



With kind regards,


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I am running 2.7.13 on my ISY-99i. I am accessing the ISY locally using and this is working fine. I can also ping this lan address and the ISY replies as expected.


I am trying to access the ISY remotely (for testing, I "remote desktop" into a remote machine, then open a browser and point it back to this location).


Argh, remote access to the ISY99 is not working.


I have 5 static IPS at this location, and one is dedicated to the ISY: Therefore, I don't need to do any port mapping, as 80 and 443 aren't "overloaded". I have another server at .52 and am able to ping it, and access via http(80) and https(443). I configured my Sonic firewall to handle the ISY almost exactly like the aforementioned server (the services open for the ISY on .50 are http, https, and ping). I've done this sort of config many times before and generally have no issues.


Alas, I am unable to access the ISY via ping, http, or https. One thing that might be a clue is that Help->About reports that the URL for "Internet Access" is "". Is this URL is only set when using UPnP or equivalent? If not, do I need to set it? And if so, how?


My questions are:


1. Does the mean anything?


2. Should I have Internet Access enabled in the ISY via File->Enable....? (I do.)


3. Can the ISY support more than 1 simultaneous session? (Even if it can't, it should still be able to respond to pings).


4. Got any bright ideas?


I'm stuck. Thanks in advance for your help.

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Hello johnradams,




I have 5 static IPS at this location, and one is dedicated to the ISY: Therefore, I don't need to do any port mapping, as 80 and 443 aren't "overloaded".

Two comments:

1. If the static IP address is dedicated to ISY does this mean that you have configured ISY with that IP address? If so, then the only way to get to ISY would be through that IP address (not 192.xx.xx.xx)

2. If not, then you DO need port mapping regardless of ports 80/443 being overloaded. And, in this case, you do not even need a static IP address dedicated to your ISY since your router (assuming sonic wall) will do all the NAT translation between your ISP's IP address and your ISY's local IP address.


So, what I suggest is:

a. You do NOT need to use File | Enable Internet Access at all since your router does NOT support UPnP. So, since you have already enabled it, please disable it using File | Disable Internet Access

b. Please do be kind enough to follow the instructions here to create a port forwarding rule, in your router, and to ISY:

http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... PnP_Router


And, yes, you can have many simultaneous HTTP/HTTPS connections to your ISY.


With kind regards,


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Thanks for the feedback.


I was too casual in my description; allow me to be more clear.


1. Yes, the ISY has a static IP of My firewall/router maps the external IP of to As you point out, I am using the NAT feature of the Sonic firewall to map the externally-visible/accessible IP to selected internal ("192") IP.


The "services" passed through from 173...50 to 192...9 for the ISY are ping,http,https.


I use the same scheme for the server that I mentioned in the post; it has a static IP of the form 19.168.67.x which is mapped to the external IP of It also has more services passed through (ftp, and others).


As far as "port forwarding", I am mapping the external ports to the same internal ports. This means that I can access the ISY using port 80 and/or 443, without having to remember special port numbers. Things get complicated enough without having lots of port mapping, although I do this in my colo setup when I run short of IPs. Ugh.


2. I now understand (I think!) that "Enable Internet Access" really means "configure UPnP". So, I have disabled that feature on the ISY. Thanks for making that more clear.


3. Thanks for the link on the "port forwarding", although those web pages apply to standard home routers, and not slightly more advanced ones like my SonicWall TZ100. I have faithfully performed the analogous actions, though, by passing through the proper set of services from ...50 to ...9 (as noted above, this set is http on 80, https on 443, and ping/icmp).


4. Thanks for clarification on simultaneous access -- very nice!


After writing all of the above, I finally found the missing piece of magic in my NAT configuration, and now everything is working perfectly.


Thanks for the help.

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Hello johnradams,


Thanks so very much for the update and I am so very glad that you got your Internet access working.


You are correct that the menu item is misleading ... since most routers do not have UPnP enabled by default, and since UPnP has not proven as reliable, we might even do away with it. Still investigating ...


Thanks again and with kind regards,


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  • 3 months later...
:( I have followed every single bit of instruction and still can not get my remote access to work. I have a linksys WRT160N router that I have forwarded ports on to mirror what ports are used on the ISY. I keep getting an Error Received = timed out on my MobiLinc on my iphone. Also trying to remote from a browser on my iphone using 3G just gives me a server timed out as well. I have been trying to get this to run for 3 months now off and on. Has anyone experienced this?
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  • 4 months later...



I am not sure what you are referring to ... enabling remote access has nothing to do with local access to ISY.


If you have specific questions/concerns, please do be kind enough to post them and we'll make sure they are answered.


Also, I noticed that you have had problems with port forwarding. I sure hope you know that we would be delighted to configure it for you so you would not have to go through all this trouble. If you would like, please contact our support either via voice (818-631-0333) or ticket ( http://www.universal-devices.com/contact.htm )


With kind regards,


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I've been struggling with this for awhile now. In the past I've always used HTTP to access remotely (I know it's bad) and am trying to fix that.


My Home Server is already using 443 so i set my ISY HTTPS port = 555. The uPnP stuff doesn't seem to be working (even though my router supports it) so i tried disabling internet access and configured port 555 external to map to 555 @ my static ISY internal IP.


The strange thing is, I can actually use the external IP:555 inside my home network and it connects (with a certificate error). However, externally, it does not work. I can still access port 80 as well as my home server just fine. I just can't seem to access ISY at port 555.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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