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How To: Enable Internet Access

Michel Kohanim

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Hello Paul,


If you can access your ISY using https://your.external.ip.address:555 but you cannot do it remotely, then I suspect that port is blocked by your ISP. You might want to change the port forwarding rules to say 8443->555.


Also, you do NOT want to use UPnP. So, please go to Help | About and make sure that Internet Access says Disabled. If not, please go to File | Disable Internet Access.


With kind regards,


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  • 2 weeks later...



I read through the tutorial but I'm still having trouble accessing my ISY from a remote computer. I have mobilinc pro running on my iphone so i'm good in that respect. I can't seem to access my ISY from a web browser. My HTTPS port is still set at 443 and i have selected a static IP on my router.


Can someone point me in the right direction?



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  • 7 months later...

I hesitate to post this because this question has been asked a million times, but here goes: I followed the steps in Michel K's tutorial to get my ISY-99i on the internet, but I still can't raise it on the internet or my intranet. When I opened Help>About, my ISY did not list a port, so I went into my Vz Actiontec MI424-WR router and forwarded its IP address to port 443 as directed.


The Enable Internet Access command in the menu bar only gets to about 2% before popping up an error box and quitting.


After making the changes, I tried browsing to http://isps.wan.IP.address:443/o/x (or /p). Also tried the secure https version of the same string. https flames out immediately with some sort of "could not connect" notice. The http version doesn't post an error, but just brings up an empty frame.


I'm using firmware version 2.8.16. Any suggestions? -George A

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  • 3 weeks later...

Michel, after experimenting with different settings on my Vz Actiontek modem, I am now reliably able to contact my ISY-99 from the internet.


However, since I port-forwarded it, attempts to reach it over my intranet using its static 192.168.1.nn LAN address now fail. Oddly, my web-enabled Proliphix thermostat which I port-fowarded at the same time remains reachable via LAN or WAN. It's not a major inconvenience, but it would be useful to be able to access the ISY on the LAN since the router will occasionally change its WAN address.


Also, I initially tried to set it up using a secure (https:) connection, but I could never get that working. So I settled for standard non-secure http:. I would appreciate it if you or another expert reading this could outline the steps involved in changing an existing, functioning non-secure outside connection to a secure one.


As always, thank you for your assistance. -GA

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, Michael. Different ports for the thermostat and ISY. Is there a range of ports that are designated secure I must use if I want to log on https? Must a device have some additional built-in logic that will allow it to enter into a secure connection, or can any device be configured to connect https?


Hello gwarthur,


Did you change the HTTP port on your ISY? If not, do you use the same port for both Proliphix as well as ISY?


With kind regards,


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Hello gwarthur,


ISY comes equipped with HTTPS (under Configuration | System | Network) the default port of which is 443. If you wish, you can change this port to anything between 2000 and 65535.


Devices that support HTTPS must have SSL stack inside. If your device does not support HTTPS, then you cannot use it securely.


With kind regards,


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  • 11 months later...

Hi Michel,


I just completed setting up remote access, with only a few hiccups along the way, but it is now working. Since I am hardly a networking expert, I had a question about your last post:


ISY comes equipped with HTTPS (under Configuration | System | Network) the default port of which is 443. If you wish, you can change this port to anything between 2000 and 65535.
The wiki example changes the secure port to 1443. Is there anything magical about greater than 2000? Thanks!
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  • 3 months later...

Hi everyone,


I have also had problems accessing my ISY externally. I read the Wiki. I have a DynDNS dynamic IP. That part works, as I can access my web server externally (Port forwarded to my desktop). I have an Apple Time Capsule as a router. I have forwarded UDP and TCP ports 443 to the ISY's static address on my network. Any suggestions?



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I have a Dynamic DNS service (dyndns) set up in my router (Netgear 3700 with OpenWrt) and Internet Access enabled in my ISY994i. The ISY has created an entry in the router's UPnP screen, showing its internal IP adress and secure port. In the ISY's About I see under Internet Access my current external IP address: https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xxxxx/, rather than the dyndns host name. That said, where in the ISY would I have to enter this info?

Overall it has been working fine. On the other hand, my IP address has not changed in quite a while.

I am wondering if I am missing something.

Could someone please enlighten me?


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Appreciate you prompt reply, Michel.


I am still not quite clear how to understand that the ISY displays the external IP address. What happens if the external address changes? Would I need to re-enable the Internet access in the ISY settings? Maybe when the ISY About window is opened, the ISY (only) polls the current external IP address and displays it, i.e. it would then show a changed IP address? Or....?

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Hi waffles,


ISY gets that information from the router directly but IF AND ONLY IF you use File | Enable Internet Access. This method is really not that reliable because UPnP configuration is pretty much volatile and - as soon as the router the rebooted - you will lose the information.


It's always best to use dynamic dns + setup port forwarding manually in the router:

http://wiki.universal-devices.com/index ... PnP_Router


With kind regards,


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been fussing over this for some time. I have tried the wiki page instructions to no avail. I have a Verizon FIOS Actiontec MI424WR router. I have enabled port forwarding for 443 and 80 for the static IP address for the ISY. I tried to create and install a self-signed certificate and I thought it worked, it says it will reboot the ISY, but don't know if it actually works. When I click 'Enable Internet access' under the 'file' menu it always fails.

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Establishing port forwarding (the preferred method) is mutually exclusive with the Enable Internet Access function which is dependent on uPnP. Once the port forward rules have been established there is no need to use the Enable Internet Access.

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  • 1 month later...

I have been installing my new ISY994i this weekend. Everything is up and running well, Very nice interface and functionality guys! I have an ASUS RT-N66U router and Time Warner Cable internet through a Cisco modem. Everything went perfectly when I enabled internet access. It assigned an external address just as expected. Except I couldn't access ISY through the https address. Explorer troubleshooter says "the remote device or resource won't accept the connection". I have installed MobilLic Lite and it will syncronize with the http address, but not with the https address. I have tried changing the port to a higher number (2xxx) and everything updated perfectly (ISY gave me a new internet access address including the new port) but it still wouldn't work. I've disabled my Avast firewall, and the ASUS router's firewall. I've tried to access it with my iPhone on 3g, but it won't connect (Safari, or MobilLinc). I have a BayWeb thermostat I'm accessing through this router, a camera I'm accessing through Yoics through this router, and internet TV accessing through this router, so I'm a little afraid of changing too much, for fear of screwing up these other connections which all work great. I'm also not too keen on paying $5 a month for MobilLinc Connect service to access ISY from the road. I'm stuck at this point, HELP!

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