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Initial Configuration Help


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Hey there,


Apologies for the noob question, but I just got down to setting up my ISY-99i/IR PRO and I'm a bit perplexed by a few issues.


I've been using a SmartLinc + EZUIRT for remote and IR control for a few weeks now. a KPL in my bedroom and front-door, with SwitchLincs everywhere else, plus a few LampLincs. I switched to the ISY because I found redefining scenes manually on each KPL/controller a bit tedious.


I had imagined that the ISY would start up and be able to download my existing links / scenes and display them on-screen. I assumed I'd see the old address of my (unplugged) Smartlinc and EZUIRT controllers, and I'd be able to remove them from any responders.


When setting up the ISY with "Start Linking", I chose "Add Devices Found in Links and Keep Existing Links" - assuming this would leave my (mostly working) configuration intact, and allow me to tweak it. (And went around the house hitting Set on all my devices.) Instead I just got a list of all my devices with no relationships displayed.


Over time, I redefined a number of scenes in the ISY, and added them to my KPL, noticing my KPL was still controlling scenes from previous configurations. I even tried deleting and re-adding the KPL with "Remove all links" option, yet the KPL still controls old scenes that aren't defined in the ISY.


My fear here is that there are links defined to old IDs (like the Smartlink/EZUIRT) that aren't being exposed in the ISY. Is there a way to get the ISY to display everything the way it currently is? Must I start from scratch and air-gap every switch to wipe any old pairings?


Also - how do I properly make a 2-way switch in the ISY? Is it just a scene with the two switches, with the "remote" switch as the controller? Previously, I had cross-linked both of them to the other.

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Easy part first. Define an ISY Scene. Add the KPL button(s) and SwitchLinc(s) as Controllers. That is all that is required. The ISY assumes Controllers are also Responders taking care of all the cross linking between devices.


When a device is responding to a button/paddle press because of a left over link the problem is normally in the responder device, not the device where the paddle/button is being pressed. Deleting the link from the Controller does not stop the Responder from reacting unless you also delete the link from the Responder.


I posted a response to your question on the Smarthome forum regarding what I thought the best approach would be for starting the ISY configuration. I still think the best approach is resetting the devices and adding them from scratch with meaningful names. You now have a list of all the device address.


I would have expected to see multiple Scene xxxx entries listed below the devices in the My Lighting tree after adding devices keeping found link records.



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