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Can I turn off a KPL button in a program?


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I would like to use one of the KPL buttons to open my gate. I use a IOLink to open the gate by using this program:



- No Conditions - (To add one, press 'Schedule' or 'Condition')



Set 'Outdoor / Gate / Gate Relay' On

Wait 13 seconds

Set 'Outdoor / Gate / Gate Relay' Off



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')




I tried to have the KPL button run the above program, which I've been able to do using this:



Status 'KPL / KPL Foyer Right / Right Front Door KPL.A Gate' is not Off



Run Program 'Open Gate' (Then Path)



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')




But this is a flawed program because the KPL toggles. I've tried to make it Non-toggle (both on and off) but the program doesn't run.


What I would like to write would be this:



Status 'KPL / KPL Foyer Right / Right Front Door KPL.A Gate' is not Off



Run Program 'Open Gate' (Then Path)

Wait 15 seconds

Set 'KPL / KPL Foyer Right / Right Front Door KPL.A Gate' Off



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')




Is there a way to have the KPL turn off at some time interval after turning it on?

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KeypadLinc Secondary buttons cannot be turned On/Off with Insteon Direct commands. Define the KPL Secondary button as a Responder in an ISY Scene. Then turn the Scene On/Off just as you would a device .




Exactly, but just to be a little more clear, even if you don't have a multi-button scene, still create a scene for the kpl button and just put the button in all by itself.

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But this is a flawed program because the KPL toggles. I've tried to make it Non-toggle (both on and off) but the program doesn't run.


I suspect the reason your program is not working has little to do with KPL toggle or non-toggle. I suspect you need to make some adjustments to your IOLinc.


Setting your relay on, waiting 13 seconds, then turning it off will not keep your relay open for thirteen seconds. Furthermore, how your relay responds to on and off commands is part of your IOLinc settings.


Set 'Outdoor / Gate / Gate Relay' On 
Wait 13 seconds 
Set 'Outdoor / Gate / Gate Relay' Off 


The duration of the length of time the relay stays open is a setting. Whether your IOLinc responds to on, off, or both is part of the settings. Whether your relay is normally opened or normally closed is part of a setting.


My suggestion is to open the settings from the ISY-99 admin panel and review them from the wiki:




Pay special attention to the "momentary" versus "latching" modes. How is yours set up? Is it in momentary setting (versus latching). How long is your momentary hold time? If in momentary, is it momentary A, B, or C?


I cannot confirm, but if the IOlinc allows momentary hold times of 13 seconds, I would use this option to open your gate. Then, you would have only to send one command (no waits, no second commands) to your IOlinc to open the gate. The command required would depend on whether the setting is momentary A, B, or C.


If the settings do not allow a momentary hold time as long as you need, I suggest putting your IOLinc into "latching" mode, and proceeding much as you have already done with your program. (You may find that changing this one setting would cause your existing program to work.)


So you have a sensor hooked up to your IOLinc relay?


After you check the settings in your IOLinc, and review the meaning of each from the wiki, I am hoping that you could report back if you have further questions about your setup. If so, please let us know how your IOLinc is configured.

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That worked perfectly. I tried putting the KPL button alone in a scene but it wouldn't show up in the programming section until I added another device that could be controlled. This is how it ended up:



Status 'Indoor / Foyer / KPL Foyer Right / Right Front Door KPL.A Gate' is On



Set 'Outdoor / Gate / Gate Relay' On

Wait 13 seconds

Set 'Outdoor / Gate / Gate Relay' Off

Set Scene 'Outdoor / Gate / Gate KPL' Off



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')




I had to put the gate sensor along with the KPL button into the scene for this to work.

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Glad it is working for you. Don't know why you saw the results you did when you created a Scene with a single KPL button as a Responder. That Scene should have been available as an option under Insteon. I just ran that scenario under 2.8.7 with a single KPL button as a Responder in a Scene. It was listed in the available devices/Scene pull down. No need to change anything now that you have a working Program. Just keep in the mind the next time you need to do it that a single KPL button as a responder should work.



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There is a simpler way to do this. Set the KPL button to "Non-Toggle-On" and change your program to have the following IF statement:


If Control 'Indoor / Foyer / KPL Foyer Right / Right Front Door KPL.A Gate' is switched On


Every press of the KPL button will cycle the gate.


That's what I tried initially. I don't know if the On command was too short but it didn't work. That's why I had to create the scene.


Thanks though. It's all working like a charm!!!

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