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Release 2.8.10 (RC6) Is Now Available

Michel Kohanim

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After updating to 2.8.10, all RF links were lost and had to be re-installed. Not sure why. Also, any writing to any single RF device (i.e. motion sensor) causes a write to ALL RF devices (other motion sensor and thermostat)???


I have no idea what caused this. Never happen with other updates.

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just to close out my chatter here - it was a combination of potential bad first ungrade download and absolute user error. I did not initiate the upgrade from the .10 console. once i cleared the other self-imposed noise, the upgrade worked, version nubering correct. may have an issue with my Elk unrelated to the upgrade.


Sorry for the static.

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Hello all,


Apologies for a tardy reply.


First of all, for those of you who see Writing icon, please make sure you do not have any programs that change the scene settings for those devices.


As far as losing RF links, please do contact our tech support team and will try to get to the root cause.


With kind regards,


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I'm not sure if the is a 2.8.10 issue or if it was already there before.


I create a scene for leaving the house after sunset. The scene turns OFF all light indoors with a ramp rate of 30 seconds. Now, when I return home, A program turns ON (without use of a scene) some of the lights that were turned OFF with a 30 second ramp rate.

The local ramp rate on all these lights is set to 0.5 seconds. When the ISY tuns the device ON (either with a program or the admin console) the light will come ON with the last used ramp rate from whatever scene turned the light OFF. (in my case 30 seconds).

I can bypass this problem by only using scenes in programs to turn lights ON or OFF, but I wish I had the freedom not to have to do this. If this behavior is "INSTEON Protocol" it may just have to be that way.


The Dimmers in question are 2476DH (V.28) and 2477D (V.38). I have not tested on other devices.




Eddy K.

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I have the same results. The Insteon Direct command issued by a Program or Admin Console does not specify the Ramp Rate. Only the Bright Level can be specified with that command. This Ramp Rate reaction is totally controlled by the KeypadLinc hardware/firmware.



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So, after what seems to be a sucesaful upgrade I can not conect to the unit via java console, I can get to it via telnet. If I use the web download client I get an error which says something like socket open failed javax.net.ssl.......


The best error seems to be the lights on the isy which occasionaly the red error like come on,, then a bit latter the green memory light and then both of them.


Seems my isy is sick what is the best course of action?




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Hi Dan,


If your MEM/ERR lights come on simultaneously, then the problem is that ISY cannot get to the network.


We'd be delighted to take a look at your system and see what's causing the problem. If you wish, please submit a ticket to http://www.universal-devices.com/contact.htm and we'll figure it what's causing the problems.


With kind regards,


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Hello ubuntulinuxuser!


Please do make sure that you have the latest Java installed. There were some reported errors with Java 1.6 not being installed correctly in Ubuntu.



1. Please go to http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/2.8.10/admin.jnlp

2. On the ISY Finder dialog, click on the Add button

3. In the ensuing dialog, enter https://your.isy.ip.address

4. Close the Admin Console

5. Double click on the 99i Admin Console icon on your desktop (or wherever it was saved in step 1)

6. Choose the https listing instead (double click)


With kind regards,


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Hello bocaray,


Please make sure you do not have any devices that have pending device operations (green 0101 icon). If you do, you might want to disable them before doing anything with your motion sensor.


Once you are done with your motion sensor, then we have to figure out why those devices are out of synch with ISY. In most cases, ISY attempted to program them but failed in the middle and now is trying to complete the process.


With kind regards,


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There is a problem when using the ISY doesn't seem to matter which web browser I use.


Or how I log into the ISY. Using the link Michel supplied in the first page and also logging into my system via external link.


There is either no response when pressing the on / off buttons in the scenes.


Or you must double tap the on / off to make that device turn on / off.


Strangely, using the fast on, fast off seems to make the device(s) activate. This problem was not present in .9 of the release.


Hope this information proves helpful.


EDIT: Has there been more information added to the e-mail notification? As I don't recall all of the extra bits of information being supplied before with such detail.


Awesome !!! :D


'Entry Motion Light' scene set Status (On) by 'Motion Sensor-Sensor' at 2010/12/29 4:27:26 PM.




At: 2010/12/29 4:27:26 PM

Program: Motion Entrance

Network: Insteon Network

Scene: Entry Motion Light

Device: Motion Sensor-Sensor (XX XX XX 1)

Action: Status

Value: On

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I am not sure if we are speaking about the same thing so I will try to clarify the problem I have observed.


When I select a scene (painters pallet) within the left hand side ISY admin console. There are options to select on, fast on, off, fast off, etc depending upon the features that device has.


Previously, when I pressed any of these buttons to view and watch the activation(s) of the grouped devices within the scene.


The actuation of those device(s) were instantaneous and immediate. Also, the change of state was updated on the admin console immediately.


Now, since the update the same scene even when I press it minutes apart will either operate fine, or the behavior of being forced to click on the ON button twice (double tap) or pressing the FAST ON, is the only way to turn the scene (devices) on / off.


This behavior was not present before the update to .10 of the release.


I hope this gives you a clearer explanation of what I see here. :oops:

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