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Release 2.8.10 (RC6) Is Now Available

Michel Kohanim

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I do not have any pending green icons waiting to be written at all. The devices in question are not linked to any programs waiting to be initiated.


What I have observed: Prior to this update, the same individual device could be turned on / off on the painters pallet with out faulter.


Now, the same device(s) do not respond consistently, or reliably. To me in my humble opinion is that the buttons have been mistakenly changed to require a double tap? :?::oops:

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That would be both . . . :evil: There will be times when I attempt to turn on one single device via the scene pallet.


One of several things will happen:


- Device will turn on, as expected. But, turning it off will do nothing to the physical load. But, the ISY reports that the device has been turned off and you can see that the LED on the device is either been turned off or on. Yet the load stays at the previous state?


- Device does not turn on. Then double tapping the ON button will turn on the load. Hitting the OFF button will either turn it off, or require a double tap. If it turns off (meaning the status does change) but the load does not turn off?


- Using the Fast On / Fast Off - Appears to make the device(s) turn on and off as expected?


I dunno why this is happening. But, will ask you a simple Q. Could a bad java cert cause this to happen? :?:

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Would you be so kind and refresh my memory how to get there? :oops:


Currently I use either the local my lighting icon which is a 192. address, or external 207. address, and the Java Admin console which you provided in the beginning of this thread.


I will log into the ISY using my external 207. address and report back.

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Is it possible to turn on / off a switch so quickly that there are com failures or collisions of the information going to the switches? :?:


Also to be clear this behaviour is present turning on switchlinc timer, icon relay, KPL 8 buttom dimmer, and lamplinc dimmers.


I can turn on / off the same switchlinc timer 5-6 times with out faulter, than later it will accept the off command, yet will not turn off the load?


Doing the same thing, and waiting 30 seconds, the same device will not respond to a ON command, unless you double tap the ON button, or select the Fast On, or Fast Off?


I have tried this using Opera 11.0, IE 8, and via the Java console. I can not state for a fact which of the three is more reliable at this point in time as I can be standing here turning on the same device for an hour either fast, slow, or waiting in between with out problems.


Also, I am able to turn on / off the same device physically at the switch with out faulter either locally, or remotely using one of 4 KPL's.


I dunno . . . :roll::oops:

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Hi Teken,


This is how ISY works: you send a request, ISY sends out the INSTEON equivalent, waits for a response back, and then publishes the state to the clients. If you click to quickly on some button, then ISY puts them in a queue and each one is done in sequence. So, on on off on off is actually going to be in the same sequence.


What you need to do is to open the Event Viewer on the last level and see if there are any INST-ACKs without any accompanying INST-SRXs.


Polexian, the Beep duration is the duration in time and not in number. So, for instance, 10 would be less than 0.5 seconds and so on and so forth.


With kind regards,


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If I press a few random buttons on one KPL there are INST-SRX'S, pressing the same device via the ISY admin console appears to be none.


Also, there are tons of *standard clean up* messages that follow each activation of a device in a scene. :roll:

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You cannot control a KPL Secondary button individually from the Admin Console. A KPL Secondary button has to be a Responder in an ISY Scene and the Scene turned On and Off to see the KPL LED turn On and Off.


Was not sure what you mean by the cleanup messages. The ISY does not use Group Cleanup messages when an ISY Scene is turned On and Off using the Admin Console or Program. If you are running a Scene Test there should be a cleanup message from each responder device.



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While you're in there, I found that functionality very confusing/inefficient.


For example:


When a button is in "Non-Toggle [Off]", you have to click the"Toggle On/Off" button to go *back* to "Toggle", and then *back* to "Non-Toggle [On]" if that's what you want to do.


IOW - it's impossible to go directly from "Non-Toggle [Off]" to "Non-Toggle [On]" or vice-versa in one step.


In PRO models, that's no big deal, but Non-PRO with a large Scene it's infuriating because there are two update cycles instead of just one.

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Hi Zandrel,


Originally I thought this is a simple UI fix. But, unfortunately, this is how it was designed to accommodate older KPLs where you had to press the button to choose the mode: everything is done in real time.


I will see what we can do but since we are very close to our offiical release and since this code is tied into other pieces inside ISY, I do not want to have to go through antoher regression testing right before our official release.


Rest assured it has been logged and that it will be fixed after our official release.


With kind regards,


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I believe this one has been mentioned before - just throwing it out there:


Many times when creating a new program it will default to 'Disabled' as soon as it is saved (even if the checkbox on the lower right is checked). It requires toggling the checkbox and then re-saving in order to enable the program.


Thanks and have a good New Year.


- Brian

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Not sure if reported yet. I'm using Java 1.6.0_23 on Windows XP. First time I've tried to program since 2.8.10 update. If you add, remove, or rename a scene or device, the update is not shown until you exit the console and then reconnect and restart the console app. Also noticed that program status does not update unless you manually refresh the listing and that under My Lighting and individual scenes, the devices do not show the CURRENT STATE.

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Hi Brian, yes: the problem is so intermittent that we have not been able to find a fix for it.


Hello DStampfer,


This sounds a LOT like firewall issues. Would you be kind enough to let me know which firewall software you have, and whether or not ISY's IP address has changed, and whether or not you have put ISY in the trusted zone/white list in your firewall software?


With kind regards,


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No firewall running. Actiontec router. Same IP address. It is/was in the trusted intranet zone. Your response got me thinking about related issues and it turns out I deleted my self signed certificate before the upgrade and never got an error message reminding me to install a new one. I did install a new one and also realized a second deficiency- I was using www.universaldevices.com/99i to access the console because IE was autocompleting for me. Now that I've tried www.universaldevices.com/99i/2.8.10 it updates the current state values and I'm assuming the other issues are fixed too. Many thanks.

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Possible bug report...


I am currently using version 2.8.10 with my ISY and just noticed a problem with older KPLs (2886D) where the four secondary scene buttons can affect the state of scenes controlled by the primary button. Originally I thought that I had a failed KPL. I replaced the unit and then experimented with ISY, the suspected failed unit, and another KPL of the same vintage. Here is what I discovered:



1. Factory reset KPL

2. Add KPL to ISY

3. Click on each node created and note that the current state can be made to toggle ON and OFF.



4. Click on the primary node ( and then toggle the secondary KPL buttons on and off and observe what ISY reports....

When this was done, I noticed that the current state of the primary button remained on or off (as previously set) BUT the current state slider in the properties window was observed to slide from 0 to 100% and 100% to 0 as the SECONDARY buttons were toggled. This does not IMO seem to be correct.


5. I was able to repeat this experiment with another KPL of the same vintage and obtained the same results. I have not observed (nor have I explicitly tested for) button interaction with newer KPLs.



I don't know enough about the inner workings of ISY but think that changing the state of secondary buttons should not affect any properties of the primary button. I think that my KPLs might not be defective and suspect that ISY is somehow mis-mapping the secondary buttons allowing them to control scenes that should only be controlled by the primary button.


Has anyone else observed this?



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I have several programs that I disabled at some point in the past and have since re-enabled them. But if the ISY looses power, once power is restored the status of those programs reverts back to disabled and I have to manually re-enable them.


This is happening with v2.8.8


It seems to me that somewhere in memory the program is being eneabled but wherever you store the "dissabled" bit remains set to dissable. So once power is lost and the programs are re-uploaded the outdated info is being set.

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Hi JCBond,


Perhaps a silly question but are you selecting Save Changes after enabling the programs?




I have several programs that I disabled at some point in the past and have since re-enabled them. But if the ISY looses power, once power is restored the status of those programs reverts back to disabled and I have to manually re-enable them.


This is happening with v2.8.8


It seems to me that somewhere in memory the program is being eneabled but wherever you store the "dissabled" bit remains set to dissable. So once power is lost and the programs are re-uploaded the outdated info is being set.

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