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Release 2.8.10 (RC6) Is Now Available

Michel Kohanim

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Of course I am selecting Save. If I dont the program does not get re-enabeled.


Let me explain a bit more.


I have several programs. A few week ago I disabeled some of them for testing purpouses. Later on I enabled them and they worked fine for days.


Then Power went off in my area. When ISY powered back up I noticed that the programs were not working. I checked on the console and sure enouth they were disabled.


I re enabled them and they worked fine again. If I now pull the power on the ISY again and re-connect it, when the console comes back up they are again disabled.



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That is odd. Programs are written to the SD card when saved. Saves the new then deletes the old. Unless it can't save the new.



I will run a test.


Thank you,



Of course I am selecting Save. If I dont the program does not get re-enabeled.


Let me explain a bit more.


I have several programs. A few week ago I disabeled some of them for testing purpouses. Later on I enabled them and they worked fine for days.


Then Power went off in my area. When ISY powered back up I noticed that the programs were not working. I checked on the console and sure enouth they were disabled.


I re enabled them and they worked fine again. If I now pull the power on the ISY again and re-connect it, when the console comes back up they are again disabled.



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Can't log in to ISY after latest up date. I get the first login, when I click on administrative console,the Jave logo comes up, spins for a while and I get " click here for errors.


Below is what I get.


I deleted certificates and have cleared Java Cahse several times. Used Michel links to find isy as well. same thing


Please help.







Java Plug-in 1.6.0_23

Using JRE version 1.6.0_23-b05 Java HotSpot Client VM

User home directory = C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator


c: clear console window

f: finalize objects on finalization queue

g: garbage collect

h: display this help message

l: dump classloader list

m: print memory usage

o: trigger logging

q: hide console

r: reload policy configuration

s: dump system and deployment properties

t: dump thread list

v: dump thread stack

x: clear classloader cache

0-5: set trace level to




load: class com.universaldevices.client.ui.UDClientApplet.class not found.

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.universaldevices.client.ui.UDClientApplet.class

at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)

at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2ClassLoader.loadClass0(Unknown Source)

at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)

at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)

at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2ClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)

at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager.createApplet(Unknown Source)

at sun.plugin2.applet.Plugin2Manager$AppletExecutionRunnable.run(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)

Caused by: java.io.IOException: open HTTP connection failed:

at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)

at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader.access$000(Unknown Source)

at sun.plugin2.applet.Applet2ClassLoader$1.run(Unknown Source)

at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)

... 9 more

Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.universaldevices.client.ui.UDClientApplet.class

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I had upgraded my ISY-99i to the latest 2.8.10 beta release. I may have missed a step when I originally upgraded. It hasn't worked very good ever since. I have since done many factory resets and attempts to reinstall the firmware. Each time I completely follow the instructions and try to reinstall the firmware, it now presents me with the following error:


Upgrade Failed :Failed uploading file (reported written size is invalid)


I have tried several attempts to correct it, all without success. If I log in via telnet, it reports to me that version 2.8.10 is installed. I have also tried downgrading to earlier versions, all presenting me with the same error. Is there some other way I can install a previous (stable) version? All I want is my ISY-99i to work again. I don't quite understand why I get that error every time I attempt to reinstall firmware now.

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it now presents me with the following error:


Upgrade Failed :Failed uploading file (reported written size is invalid)


I had that same issue.


I had to use https in the address I use to access my admin panel.


Look in the first post in this thread for more info.


Good luck.

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The problem is that the UI files have not been installed in your ISY. Please try http://www.universal-devices.com/99i/2.8.10/admin.jnlp and see if you can log in.


If so, then try the upgrade again.




If you are still having issues, please contact our tech support and we'll try to fix it remotely.


With kind regards,


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Hi Michel,



I was able to log in but when I tried to update again, I ge the error message: Upgrade Failed:Failed uploading file:( Reported written file size is invalid)


I downloaded the update file again, tried again and got same message.


What should I try next?



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I wrote a C# program to read to query configuration of an ISY99 via the services API, with the 2.8.8 firmware, and it worked great.


Now that I've upgraded to 2.8.10, there are the following new controls, that are not defied in the /WEB/udiws20.ws spec: UOM. CPW, TPW, and Reset. Which causes the response parser to error out.


Is the udiws20.ws document supposed to be updated when new services are added?


Also, is there a workaround for Dev Studio, where I edit the file on my hard drive, and update the protocol? -- Yes, edit the file, and use file://C:/projects/udiws20.ws as the source.

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Michel, since the Isy 26 will not longer be upgradable, I may need to think of your 99i upgrade program. Any chance you have an upgrade to a refurb 99i so I can keep cost down?


Hello all,



1. ISY-26 is no longer included in the firmware builds

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Please contact our tech support and we'll help you upgrade.




I am so very sorry. You are 100% correct and the problem has already been fixed. If you need early access to 2.8.11, please send an email to support@universal-devices.com .





Please send an email to sales@universal-devices.com and we'll do our best to keep your cost as low as possible!




Please contact our tech support team for I have not been able to reproduce this specific problem.


With kind regards,


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I've been working with the rest interface and I don't think I'm getting appropriate responses.


1) I send "http://username:password@ISYIPADDRESS/rest/nodes//cmd/DON". The device I'm referencing is an insteon light switch.


2) I get the following response: "


". However, the light doesn't turn on.


3) I resend the command a few times, getting the same affirmative response each time, and the light eventually turns on.


The same thing happens when I send "DOF" trying to turn the light off.


Both commands work sporadically. I've tried sending from IE and Firefox (on a PC for each) with the same results. Also, same results for Safari on a Mac. I originally discovered the issue when trying to send from an objective C program written with xcode (compiled for a Mac).


Am I missing something? If the rest response is "succeeded="true"" then shouldn't the light turn on (or off, as applicable)?


I'm posting this here because I've seen some questions that relate to issues that have emerged in the 2.8.x betas, and I'm not sure if this is one of those issues. Sorry if this isn't the right place to post this. :)



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This weekend some of my devices did not respond to programs as expected.


I up graded to version 2.8.10 and everything seem to be fine.


However this weekend some of my switchlinks did not funtion as expected.


I have a program that contols a scence. The devices in the scene are switchlinks and the program tuns the lights off and on at certain times. This weekend some of the dievcies in the scene worked and others did not. The devices that did not functiuon seemed to be random. One time it was one switchlink and other times it was differnet switchlink.


Any ideas?



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Hello bcall,


Apologies for tardy reply.


Please try DFON (instead of DON) and see if that works. If it does, then the problem is that your ISY does not have the latest states for On Level (DON goes to the on level at the predefined ramp rate).


Moshe, have you tried Scene Test on those scenes with problems? Do they all succeed?


With kind regards,


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I have a number of Network Resources that talk to my Squuezebox music system. The Network Resources are called by a number of programs that trigger on SWL double taps. Historically my music system would respond instantly, however ater the last ISY upgrade my Network Resources have about a 5 second delay.

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Hi JCBond,


We can't seem to reproduce this.


Do you have another SD card to test with?





That is odd. Programs are written to the SD card when saved. Saves the new then deletes the old. Unless it can't save the new.



I will run a test.


Thank you,



Of course I am selecting Save. If I dont the program does not get re-enabeled.


Let me explain a bit more.


I have several programs. A few week ago I disabeled some of them for testing purpouses. Later on I enabled them and they worked fine for days.


Then Power went off in my area. When ISY powered back up I noticed that the programs were not working. I checked on the console and sure enouth they were disabled.


I re enabled them and they worked fine again. If I now pull the power on the ISY again and re-connect it, when the console comes back up they are again disabled.



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Michel -


I did the scene test but results are in-accurate. It claims that certain devices failed but they worked fine. However after doing the test a couple of times the switchlinks did not behave as expected. One of the devices did not turn on or off as expected.



See below:


Tue 01/11/2011 07:01:13 PM : [GRP-RX ] 02 61 16 13 00 06


Tue 01/11/2011 07:01:14 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 16.28.4C 0F.45.24 62 13 16 LTOFFRR(16)


Tue 01/11/2011 07:01:14 PM : [standard-Cleanup Ack][16.28.4C-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=2, Hops Left=0


Tue 01/11/2011 07:01:14 PM : [iNST-SRX ] 02 50 16.28.4C 0F.45.24 62 13 16 LTOFFRR(16): Process Message: failed


Tue 01/11/2011 07:01:14 PM : [standard-Cleanup Ack][16.28.4C-->ISY/PLM Group=0] Max Hops=2, Hops Left=0


----- Kids Bedroom Test Results -----

[Failed] KPL HallBedRooms0A.E5.3A.F (A E5 3A 6)

[Failed] Yehudah/Herschel Bedroom (16 39 3C 1)

[Failed] Yehoshua Bedroom (6 59 3A 1)

[succeeded] Tova Bedroom (16 28 4C 1)

----- Kids Bedroom Test Results -----

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Hi Moshe,


Are any of the SwitchLincs version 35 (as reported by the Admin Console)? If so, there lies the problem.


Otherwise, the problem is that the signals are not getting to your switches OR that one or more of your switches have loads that cause noise.


You might want to remove the load from your devices (if possible) and see if scene test succeeds.


With kind regards,


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Hello jwagner010,


Would you be kind enough to try the Test button in the Network Resource panel and let me know if you have the same response time? In short, I want to figure out if the problem is network resources activating a resource or if the problem is that the evaluation of the trigger by the programs take longer.


With kind regards,


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Hello jwagner010,


Would you be kind enough to try the Test button in the Network Resource panel and let me know if you have the same response time? In short, I want to figure out if the problem is network resources activating a resource or if the problem is that the evaluation of the trigger by the programs take longer.


With kind regards,





When I use the test button in Network Resources the response is instant. When I go to the program that triggers the network resource and do a 'run then' I get a 4 to 5 second delay. So it appears the issue / delay is with the program calling the network resource. I don't have anything complex in my 'then' statement it is simply 'Resource X' with X being the name of the network resource. I found this problem when I upgraded to 2.8.10

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