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Switchlinc relay 2476S LED brightness from ISY


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I can set the LED brightness on my two switchlinc relays the manual way (hold the set button until it beeps x3, paddle to dim, set again).


How do I set it via the ISY admin page? Where should I be seeing the buttons? I'm running 2.8.10 firmware.


Also, when I manually set the brightness it acts funny. If I have it set to full LED brightness, and I have the controlled load turned on, when I hold the paddle down to set the LED brightness, the LED brightness immediately goes to about 50%, then as I continue to hold the brightness dims even more, until the LED turns off, at which point so does the load! It this correct? Both of my switchlincs do this. They are brand new, bought them in December.

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Turns out I do have switchlincs with beep feature. My switchlincs were showing up as v.00, because I manually added them, by entering the device addresses, and picking 2476S switchlinc from the dropdown menu. That seems to be the problem.


I deleted the devices, and added them back through 'start linking' instead, and pressing their set buttons. They now show up as v.3A, and the LED brightness button has appeared when I click on the device in the admin console.


So, as a warning, if you add manually by entering the device address, you may not have the device added correctly. It could be because I chose the device type from the dropdown, I may have been ok to enter the device address and leave the device type as autodetect.

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