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Notification Does Not Work


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I cannot get notifications to work. I bet this problem has been posted a lot but I could not find anything on the forum that helped me.


I entered my outgoing server information to match what I use in Outlook but when I click the "Test" button I see a dialog with "Mail server failure [server not responding]". I increased the timeout to 2000 ms and tried TLS checked and unchecked but still no go.


Can anyone help?


I upgraded to 2.8.10 RC6


Settings are:

SMTP Server: smtp.att.yahoo.com

User ID: my_email_address

From: my_email_address

SMT Port: 465

Password: my_password

Timeout: 2000


I know my SMTP server requires authentication but I do not know what else to set in ISY to authenticate me.

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Some servers require the entire User ID.

Do you just have my_email_address

or do you have my_email_address@yahoo?




I cannot get notifications to work. I bet this problem has been posted a lot but I could not find anything on the forum that helped me.


I entered my outgoing server information to match what I use in Outlook but when I click the "Test" button I see a dialog with "Mail server failure [server not responding]". I increased the timeout to 2000 ms and tried TLS checked and unchecked but still no go.


Can anyone help?


I upgraded to 2.8.10 RC6


Settings are:

SMTP Server: smtp.att.yahoo.com

User ID: my_email_address

From: my_email_address

SMT Port: 465

Password: my_password

Timeout: 2000


I know my SMTP server requires authentication but I do not know what else to set in ISY to authenticate me.

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Hi Ben,


I tried the change you suggested. The result was the same.


I also tried "xyz" just to try a nonsense server name. The response changed to [Connection failed] so it appears that with "att" and "sbcglobal" in the serer name the ISY is at least finding a server.

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Thank you for the suggestion. I entered the IP address you gave -- same result.


EDIT: I tried a different account with a different SMTP server. That works OK. The only significant difference I can see between the two servers is that the ATT server requires a secure socket layer (SSL).


If that difference is the cause of the problem, is there a solution?

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Hi Ben,


An update -- I tried port 587 with TLS checked on another ISY at a different location and it worked (same server and email account).


Because of the difference in location, I am fairly sure a different DNS was used. Perhaps the server name resolved to a different physical machine and that machine has port 587 open?


Any thoughts?

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This sounds somewhat similar to a problem that I had with another application that needed to send emails and I was using Gmail for the SMTP output. Since the Gmail port it was using (465) needed SSL and the application did not support it, I install Stunnel (v4.nn). Think of using it like a proxy, I changed the application port to something defined in Stunnel and configured Stunnel to talk to Gmail port 465 with SSL. It has been working for years with no issues.


Not sure if this helps or I misread your issue.

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Hi JP,


Interesting information but I don't think it applies to the issue here.


My email server uses port 465 and requires SSL as you described. The ISY notification feature does not (yet) support SSL. Ben-smith suggested I try port 587 with TSL (as I understand it, all email server software should support port 587 but not all OS are configured to have that port open).


In any case, I tried port 587 on one ISY and it did not help. I tried port 587 on another ISY at a different location (using the same server name and email account) and it did work.

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