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Receiving X10 Commands


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I have the ISY-99i/IR with the X-10 module installed and R2.8.10. I can send X10 commands via the ISY OK, but the ISY will not recognize X10 commands sent to it from an X10 Keypad. My X10 modules will activate via the keypad OK, but the ISY does not recognize the X10 transmissions from the Keypad. I have an ISY program to monitor X-10 D4 Status



X10 'D4/On (3)' is Received

And X10 'D4/Off (11)' is not Received



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



- No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


But the status does not change when I send a D4 from my keypad. If I send a D4 from the ISY, the status does change. How do I get incoming X10 commands to be recognized?

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You have a powerline communication problem with X10 signals. The X10 messages would have appeared as entries in the event viewer if the X10 signals were reaching the ISY PLM.


Could be a coupling problem. Insteon devices do not couple X10 signals. Could be poor communication between the KeypadLinc and the PLM location. The X10 messages must appear in the event viewer trace before they can be used in ISY Programs.



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This sounds pretty conclusive....for some reason the signal is not getting from the original location to the PLM. Are your electrical legs coupled somehow? Is your PLM plugged into a location that includes computers, UPS, power supplies, surge suppressors, etc....?

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My PLM is near a Surge Suppressor, but not connected directly to it. I have the ISY-99i/IR, so it is near my entertainment center because I plan to use my Harmony remote with it. All of my Entertainment center equipment is connected to a surge suppressor. I do have a SmartHome X10 repeater and I think my phases are coupled, but not sure how to prove it. Most X10 commands reach the intended destinations, but some get lost no matter what I try. X10 commands sent from my ISY always reach the intended destination OK, but not the other way around. I am gradually phasing out X10, but I have some modules that I really like. I updated some X10 lamp modules with a Solid State Relay so they are 100% silent and work great with CFl's and LED's and they are really fast. I also like the X10 Rocket socket lamp socket because it is silent. Having all X10 commands go through my ISY is nice because it keeps track of the ON/Off status, but reaching it from all locations in my house is the puzzle I need to figure out now.

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My PLM is near a Surge Suppressor, but not connected directly to it.


My experience is that these surge suppressors can attenuate powerline signals, including X-10. Can you temporarily unplug the surge suppressor? What is plugged into this suppressor? Lots of power supplies? Computer? If you can determine that this contributes to communication problems, a filter would likely solve this.


but I have some modules that I really like

I still use a few X-10 devices, also. In a few situations, I prefer them.

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With our layout, the only way I could have good x10 communication was with the use of Smarthome boosterlinc's which gave me solid performance. However, as I added more Inseton devices, (at about 25-30) I did start to see bright / dim issues with x10 which I attributed to signal absorbtion . At that point I just made the decision to move more quickly to insteon.

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