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ELK not showing ISY Insteon status, but ELK can control ISY


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Hi Michael,


Hi Michel,

While technically true, it's a royal PITA. A single alpha sorted list, without any kind of identification about which are scenes and which are devices. I have to rename all my scenes and prefix all with SC just so I could identify each. Far less than ideal. Please consider adding the folder tree to this dialog and some other identification of scene vs device here - at least. Maybe even put some text on the dialog to warn that scene status is not reported back to ISY- but device status is. Maybe also add a filter by radio button - filtering scenes by default. I could go on - but the ability to export scenes is the root of this issue and yes - I realize that simply removing the ability to export them will simply lead to 'why can't I export scenes' questions.

I am not sure what you are referring to. If you have the ELK module, in the Admin Console, you can selectively remove nodes from the export. You do not have to rename anything.


With kind regards,


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If you have a device and a scene with the same name, it is impossible to distinguish between them on the export screen. They are identical in every way. So, it would make it much easier to manage what is exported if :


1) devices and scenes had a consistent icon next to them (like in the main device tree)


2) instead of a single, massive monolithic list, the actual device tree is presented.


Yes, I know, not good policy on the naming. In actuality I have similar names (not the same) and a bad memory (so I often have to cancel out of the export, go verify which name the device is as opposed to the scene, go back into the export to add it, curse because I forgot some other device name etc...). Adding the icon and tree would eliminate is point of confusion.


Adding a warning when you add a scene for export (that this is 'control only - no status') would eliminate the other point of confusion.



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