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How to Enable Internet Access


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Hi, I got my new ISY-99i up and running - programs, scenes, etc - but am having difficulty getting it enabled from the internet - the real reason I bought this. I have a Linksys WRT54GS modem, so hoped that the process would be easy...but no. The "enable internet access" command failed. Since then I have spent hours reading the wiki, and getting more confused. Today's attempt was to access the ISY via the telnet. I think what I was working on was assigning a static address. In any event, the addresses that appeared in the Telnet session were already what I was expecting to enter. So I made no changes. But while there, I also tried the "EI" command, and got a response of "Could not configure the gateway". Exit Telnet.


Next I went back to the ISY browser itself, and went into Network settings (from another Wiki page instruction). There I checked the box that said "Automatic (DHCP)". Since I did that I have been unable to access the ISY at all. Now what? I have been working on this off/on for a week, and am at my wits end.

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Hello JeffatSRF,


Apologies for the inconvenience. File | Enable Internet Access depends on your router to have UPnP enabled. It seems that your router does not have UPnP enabled and thus all the issues.


In all cases, though, it's best to configure remote access manually by creating a port forwarding rule in your router. Please follow the instructions here in the Wiki:

http://www.universal-devices.com/mwiki/ ... PnP_Router


If you are still having problems, please do not hesitate to contact our tech support team to schedule a call and we'll help you enable remote access.


With kind regards,


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