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EZIO 2x4 constant (false) activity on one input


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New install of this device, just using the "O" relays for the moment, will need one or two inputs in the near future.


On adding it to ISY I get the following ...




The problem ...


Noticed that the activity light was flickering intermittently on the EZIO. Further, noticed that the EZIO - B node was flickering back and forth between ON and OFF, remaining ON more of the time. The other input nodes are all OFF.


This can't be normal, is it?


* Orest

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Hello oskrypuch,


You need to wire the analog inputs AN1 and AN2 to the ground terminal of the ezio until they are being used. Connecting AN1 and AN2 to ground will turn on the nodes. If you would prefer them to report as off all of the time here is the SHN wiki page showing how to calculate resistance selections http://wiki.simplehomenet.com/index.php?title=Analog_as_digital



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Tim is exactly right. Inputs 3 & 4 can operate in Digital On/Off mode (default) or Analog mode where an analog voltage is applied to Inputs 3 & 4. Because these Inputs can operate in Analog mode it is not possible to build in a pullup resister. As Tim said either connect Input 3 & 4 to GND to lock both Inputs On or connect a 10K 1/4 or 1/2 watt resister (2 required) between Inputs 3 & 4 to the provided +5V. This will lock the Inputs Off. To use Inputs 3 and/or 4 connect a dry contact switch between the Input and GND leaving the 10K pullup resister connected to +5V. When the dry contact is closed the Input will be connected to GND and be On. When GND is removed when the switch opens the pullup resister will take the respective Input to +5V turning it Off.



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