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Programming help, please


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So I'm trying to program a switchlinc dimmer. I'd like it to come on at about 30% if it's turned on between 3am and 5am and a ramp rate of 4 minutes eventually going to 75%. At any other time, it would come on at regular ramp rate (like 1 sec) to 75%.


I currently have the regular (local control) on level set at 75%, and I created a scene where the on level is 75% at a ramp rate of 4 minutes.


When I create the program, the light comes on, but goes to 75% and then goes down to 30%, but it doesn't have the slow ramp.


I want to make sure that at any other time of day other than the specified time, that the light comes on at 75%. If I need full brightness I'll do a double-tap.


Can anyone help? I'm sure I'm missing something simple, but as I've only written one other basic program, I need a bit of assistance.



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I'm sorry I just realized I posted this in the wrong place. Feel free to move.


this is what I have thus far:

       On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
       From     3:00:00AM
       To      10:30:00PM (same day)

       In Scene 'Bath Lights' Set 'Master Bath Can Lights' 30% (On Level)
       In Scene 'Bath Lights' Set 'Master Bath Can Lights' 4.0 Min (Ramp Rate)

       In Scene 'Bath Lights' Set 'Master Bath Can Lights' 75% (On Level)
       In Scene 'Bath Lights' Set 'Master Bath Can Lights' 0.5 Sec (Ramp Rate)


I found this program elsewhere on the forum. This doesn't seem to work either. I'm obviously missing something fundamental here.

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Hi Avonlea22,


You need to set the scene controller to the SwitchLinc, otherwise your program is changing the ISY controlled scene.


       On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
       From     3:00:00AM
       To      5:00:00AM (same day)

       In Scene 'Master Bath Can Lights' Set 'Master Bath Can Lights' 30% (On Level)
       In Scene 'Master Bath Can Lights' Set 'Master Bath Can Lights' 4.0 Min (Ramp Rate)

       In Scene 'Master Bath Can Lights' Set 'Master Bath Can Lights' 75% (On Level)
       In Scene 'Master Bath Can Lights' Set 'Master Bath Can Lights' 0.5 Sec (Ramp Rate)

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This is still not making sense.


I obviously need to create a scene named Master Bath Lights, according to your example. My switchlinc is named Master Bath Can Lights in My example.


What should my scene include? If I'm controlling the ramp rate and on level through the program, why do I even need a scene?


This is very frustrating to someone who doesn't know how to program, yet wants to take advantage of isy's full potential. I feel like a dweeb asking for what is probably such a simple thing.

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Hi Avonlea22,


This is confusing. Let me try to explain.


Every SwitchLinc is inherently a Controller.

By itself it controls only itself.

Hence one scene is built-in with the switch as a controller and a responder.

You do not need to create a new scene.


When you select Adjust Scene the In Scene drop-down will allow you to select a specific controller or an ISY controlled scene.

In Scene select the SwitchLinc Master Bath Can Lights from this drop-down. Controller.

The Set drop-down will now allow you to select Master Bath Can Lights. Responder.


Set the Level and Rate as you have done.

Save Changes.


To test right-click on the program and select Run (Then) to dim the light. Use Run (Else) will change the switch to bright and quick.




This is still not making sense.


I obviously need to create a scene named Master Bath Lights, according to your example. My switchlinc is named Master Bath Can Lights in My example.


What should my scene include? If I'm controlling the ramp rate and on level through the program, why do I even need a scene?


This is very frustrating to someone who doesn't know how to program, yet wants to take advantage of isy's full potential. I feel like a dweeb asking for what is probably such a simple thing.

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Now I understand, but here is my problem. When I go to Adjust Scene, the only option that shows up is an actual scene I created...the one and only scene. None of my switchlincs show up as an option in the drop down menu.


EDIT: Ok, somehow I figured it out. I created a scene with the Master Bath Can Lights as a controller. Plugged this in and it now works.


But...here are my new issues:


1. I have LED's that are being controlled which don't really show any light until they are at about 30%.

2. I don't want the same 4 minute ramp rate when the lights are turned off. I want them to go off immediately.


So, here are my two new questions: Can I control the % that the light first comes on at? Meaning, can I program the light to come on at 45% and then ramp to 75% over 4 minutes?


And, can I set things up so that when I hit the switch to turn the lights off, they Fast Off instead of having a 4 minute ramp to off?



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So, here are my two new questions: Can I control the % that the light first comes on at? Meaning, can I program the light to come on at 45% and then ramp to 75% over 4 minutes?


And, can I set things up so that when I hit the switch to turn the lights off, they Fast Off instead of having a 4 minute ramp to off?




The switch wasn't designed to operate that way, but you can do it with the ISY by combining local settings, a scene and two programs.


Bring up the switch and set the On Level (Applied Locally) to 45% and the Ramp Rate (Applied Locally) to 0.1s.


Create a new scene containing that switch and set the scene On Level to 75% and a Ramp Rate of 4 minutes.


Create one program that says:


       Control 'Your SwitchLinc' is not switched Off
   And Status  'Your SwitchLinc' is 45%

       Set Scene 'Your Scene' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')



Then create a second program:


       Control 'SwitchLinc' is switched Off

       Set Scene 'Your Scene' Fast Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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Ok, we're getting there. Thank you! I've added in the scheduled time that I want the slow ramp to happen, I've tested it and it works. But, at any other time outside of that scheduled time, my lights come on at 30% (I used 30 as 45% was too bright). I've been playing around with stuff to try and get the lights to come on at 75% at any other time, but have had no luck.


Here is the scheduled program:


       On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
       From     3:00:00AM
       To       5:40:00AM (same day)
   And Control 'Master Bath Can Lights' is not switched Off
   And Status  'Master Bath Can Lights' is 30%

       Set Scene 'Early Morning MB Lights' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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Ok, sorry to bother...


Can't seem to solve the above issue with the lights coming on at 30% for a moment, and then going up to 75%. I know why, I think, they are doing this, and it's because the local level is set at 30%. I just can't seem to fix it.


I tried creating another scene, "non early morning MB can lights", where the on level was at 75% at .3 second ramp. I used the same exact program, above but have it calling for this new scene in the If statement.


Any ideas?

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No big deal, you just didn't mention anything about different behaviors based on time in your original question.


Additional Program 1:

       On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
       Time is  2:59:00AM

       In Scene 'Master Bath Can Lights' Set 'Guest Room Ceiling' 35% (On Level)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


Additional Program 2:

       On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
       Time is  5:40:00AM

       In Scene 'Master Bath Can Lights' Set 'Guest Room Ceiling' 100% (On Level)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

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Ok, so I'm working on this now, but still have some questions. Since the local level of the switchlinc is set at 30% (per suggestion from previous post), how is this addressed on weekends? Should I remove that 30% from local level? Also, it appears hat these two programs are in addition to the one I currently have, which is posted above?


EDIT: Hold the train. I think I may have it now. testing....

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Ok, still can't seem to get this to work. I'm going to post all of my programs I currently have in place, and maybe someone can see where my error(s) are.


What I'm trying to accomplish is from Monday Through Friday, when the switchlinc is turned on between 3am and 5am, I want the lights to come on at 35% and ramp up to 75% over a 9 minute period. At any other time, I want the ramp rate to be .3 seconds and the lights to come on at 75%. I always want the lights to do a Fast off, no matter what time of day it is.


"Master Bath Can Lights" is the name of my switchlinc.


Program 1

       On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
       From     3:00:00AM
       To       5:00:00AM (same day)
   And Control 'Master Bath Can Lights' is not switched Off

       Set Scene 'Early Morning MB Lights' On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


program 2:

       Control 'Master Bath Can Lights' is switched Off

       Set Scene 'Early Morning MB Lights' Fast Off

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


program 3:

       On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
       Time is  2:59:00AM

       In Scene 'Early Morning MB Lights' Set 'Master Bath Can Lights' 30% (On Level)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')

Program 4:

       On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
       Time is  5:00:00AM

       In Scene 'Early Morning MB Lights' Set 'Master Bath Can Lights' 75% (On Level)

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


I currently have the Master Bath Can Lights as part of a scene (responder). The local settings is 75% at .3 sec ramp. The scene name is Early Morning MB Lights.


with my latest efforts, I was able to get the lights to come on at 75% without pausing at 30% briefly, but now it seems like during the times between 3am and 5am, the lights do not start out at the 30%.


btw, thank you all for your input thus far. I'm slowly learning some of this stuff. It's a lot more difficult than I thought it would be. :)

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Hi Brian,


You only need one program as follows:


       On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
       From     3:00:00AM
       To       5:00:00AM (same day)

       Set 'Your switch' On Level 35%
       Set 'Your switch' Ramp Rate 9m 

       Set 'Your switch' On Level 75%
       Set 'Your switch' Ramp Rate 0.2s


If you wish, you can also separate this program in two and use two different programs one for the Then path and one for the Else path.


With kind regards,

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I don't see anywhere where I can choose "On Level" or "Ramp Rate" when I'm creating the program.


Under Action in the program screen I should be choosing Insteon from dropdown, right? Then I'd choose my switch, not a scene. The dropdown only gives me options for Level, Beep Duration and Backlight Level.


Here is what is showing up for me:

       On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
       From     3:00:00AM
       To       5:00:00AM (same day)

       Set 'Master Bath Can Lights' 35%

       Set 'Master Bath Can Lights' 75%


So what am I missing?

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Yea Michel, what are you referring to? :lol::lol:


I assume Michel did a free hand of what should have been a Set Scene to change the On Level and Ramp Rate in the Responders link record. The Insteon Direct On command cannot affect Ramp Rate.

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So then what is Michel referring to?


Hi Avonlea22,


I agree with LeeG, I think what Michel was referring to is to create a program which during 3-5am the program sets the local on rate to 35% @ .1second ramp, any other time outside of the 3-5am window the local on is set to 75% @ .3second ramp.


The following is based upon my assumption that the lights you want to control are the load connected to the SL you are turning on and off locally.

Also the following suggestions are pretty much put together from suggestions by Rand, fitzpatri8 and Michel early on in the thread. I have just tried to put it all together in one, hopefully, easy to read post.


It seems to me using Michel's suggested program will satisfy the first part of your requirements. Create Program 1. Select the name of your SL for both “In Scene†and for “Set†and set the On Level and Ramp Rate.This first program will change the On level and Ramp rate of that scene (the local On of the SL) depending on the time of the day.


Program 1


       On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
       From     3:00:00AM
       To       5:00:00AM (same day)

       In Scene ‘Your SwitchLinc’ Set 'Your SwitchLinc’ 35% (On Level)

       In Scene ‘Your SwitchLinc’ Set 'Your SwitchLinc’ 0.1 Sec (Ramp Rate)

       In Scene ‘Your SwitchLinc’ Set 'Your SwitchLinc’ 75% (On Level)
       In Scene ‘Your SwitchLinc’ Set 'Your SwitchLinc’ 0.3 Sec (Ramp Rate)


Next create a scene with your SL as the controller (I think you have one called “Early Morning MB Lightsâ€) and set the scene On Level of that scene to 75% with a Ramp Rate of 9 minutes.


Next create a 2nd program:


Program 2


       On Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri
       From     3:00:00AM
       To       5:00:00AM (same day)
   And Control 'Master Bath Can Lights' is switched On
   And Control 'Master Bath Can Lights' is not switched Off

       Wait  1 second
       Set Scene 'Early Morning MB Lights'  On

  - No Actions - (To add one, press 'Action')


This program, between 3-5 am and when the SL is turned on, will activate the scene “Early Morning MB Lights†which will increase the lights from the 35% they are already on at to 75% over 9 minutes.


Pressing the SL Off button (locally) will naturally turn the lights off (either at .1 or .3 seconds depending upon the time).


If I have missed anything please let me know.



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